Page 110 of Perfectly Accidental

I huffed. “Where’s Steve?”

“Ball’s deep in some chick.”


I watched Rio’s head cock to the side, and he frowned. “Ugh, forgotten how to togue apparently.”

I followed his gaze behind me and saw Jake at it with some guy and it looked like they’d both forgotten how to kiss without slobbering all over each other’s faces.

“And worst kiss goes to…” I laughed.

“Ah fuck,” Rio chuckled. “At least they’re enjoying themselves.”

“There is that.”

And look, I wasn’t going to begrudge how anyone got their jollies. You like it wet? Have at it. The only thing I liked wet was…

“Fucking hell,” I muttered.

“Just hit you?” Rio asked.

I rolled me head to glare at him. “Nothing hit me.”

“You’re literally thinking about how you wanna be bad tonguing Barlow right now.”

“I am not.”

“You are.”

“Well, when I kiss her, she sure gets wet.”

Rio laughed out loud. “Jesus, you’ve got it bad.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’re not. Go the fuck home and talk to her.”

I looked at him and wished I didn’t think he was right. “I’m too drunk. She won’t want to talk to me.”

“Then go and sleep it off and talk to her tomorrow.”

I grunted in annoyance, then pulled my phone out and texted Mum. It was late, but she’d said she’d be there if I needed her.

“Fine, you fuck,” I said as Mum replied. “I’ll go home, and I’ll sleep it off. Whether Barlow’ll talk to me tomorrow…” I shrugged. “Not much I can do if she won’t.”

“Just fucking try. I don’t wanna have to have more of this fucking nancy talk.”

I grinned. Of course, that was his problem. And I agreed with him.

Mum texted me when she was there, and I wandered out to the car.

“Thanks,” I said as I got in.

I could fucking feel the proud excitement emanating off her.

“Do not,” I warned her.

“I won’t. Promise.”