I gave a rough laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”
“You’re a good man, Roman.”
“I don’t know about that.”
Matt just laughed and watched me open her door. I looked back to Matt, but he just nodded and headed back to their room. Then all my attention was focussed on Piper.
“So, in good news, I get to keep my nads tonight,” I said to her.
She laughed and I started ushering her to the bed. That was after all the whole point of this endeavour. There was little point in Matt busting us if I didn’t get her in bed and asleep.
“Hang on, wait…” I said, drawing her back to me to get her out of her jacket.
She smiled up at me with the unimpeded glee of the happy drunk. I returned it. Of course, I did. She was fucking adorable.
“You right?” I asked, her mirth infectious.
She nodded and started bouncing up and down like she was full of too much energy. “Maybe.”
I snorted. “Excellent. Stop wriggling.”
“I’m not wriggling.”
“You are.”
My hands went to her jeans button, and I paused to get some control over myself. That wasn’t helped by the way she was looking at me. Jesus, she wanted it. I wanted it. I had to behave myself.
“No funny business, Barlow,” I warned her as I unbuttoned her.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Lombardi.”
“Yeah, well. I will be,” I muttered, then said, “Now, jeans off and get into bed. Where’s your water bottle?”
She pointed towards her desk, and I got it for her as she climbed awkwardly into bed and wriggled under the covers. Fuck. The number of times I’d climbed in there with her.
Now was not the time to think about it.
I sat on the bed beside her, very much over the covers with her safe under them. She snuggled up to me and lay her head on my stomach as I leant against the headboard. My hand ran over her hair absently and I closed my eyes.
“Ugh, I drank too much,” she whined.
“How do you figure?”
“The world only spins like this when I’m drunk,” she said into my stomach.
“You’ll be fine.” I kissed her head and shifted under her. “Look, I’d better go.”
“No!” She fisted a chunk of my shirt tightly. “Stay until the world stops spinning? Please!”
I laughed quietly. “My world will keep spinning as long as you’re in it, Barlow. So, I hope it never stops.”
“Will you hold my hair back if I puke?”
“Hm... Do I get to tease you?”