Page 122 of Paradise Found

I pull my hand away instantly, which surprises him, judging by the confused frown he has on his face.

“Right! I haven’t heard much about you,” I add.

“That’s because he doesn’t like the competition,” George says and gives me a wink.

What fucking competition, you wanker? You are an inferior copy of Alistair.

Someone calls out Alistair’s brother’s name, and he gives them a wave, plastering on a politician-like smile. He turns back to me and states, “Eloise, I look forward to welcoming you to the family … later.” The innuendo drips with each word, and I can’t help but turn up my lip in disgust.

No. Thank. You.

And before Alistair can say anything more, he’s gone.

“You okay?” Alistair asks, looking me over as if George has physically hurt me.

“I feel like I need a shower where I can slather myself in disinfectant after that. I don’t get it. Why are women attracted tothat? There’s no appeal there …at all,” I say to Alistair. “Sorry, that was mean. He is your family, but …”

Alistair bursts out laughing and moves closer to me, cups my face, and kisses me deeply. “If I hadn’t told you that I loved you earlier, I would have right now,” he states, those hazel eyes burning with hunger as he looks down at me.

Thankfully, after that, the night went on without incident. We sat through his brother’s long-winded speech about how much he loves Miranda, how they met at university, and how he always knew she was the one, completely ignoring the fact she was engaged to his brother for some of that time.

“I can’t wait to get you into bed,” Alistair says as he nuzzles my neck while we walk down the corridor away from the ballroom toward our room which is at the top of the grand staircase.

“The things I’m going to do to you,” I whisper back, giggling, as I may have had a couple more champagnes than I should have.

“Son, do you have a moment?” Alistair’s dad calls out to him, interrupting us.

Alistair looks down at me, then up to his father, and he hesitates.

“Go! Catch up with your dad. I’ll meet you in our room. I can entertain myself till you get back,” I tease, patting his hard chest.

Alistair growls before he places a kiss on my lips and heads off down the corridor with his father. He glances back at me before disappearing into one of the rooms off the corridor.

“My brother really shouldn’t leave his toys lying around. You never know who might try and steal them,” George says. The bastard scares me as he steps out from the darkness.

“Goodnight,” I reply, turning on my heel and walking away from him, but I hear footsteps following me.

“Wait! I want to get to know my brother’s girlfriend better,” he says, sliding up to me, blocking my exit.

“I think that’s something we can do with Alistair here, don’t you?” I narrow my eyes on him. I’m not like the other girls who have come before me. I won’t fall for your bullshit.

“You sure?” he asks, raising his brow.

“Yeah, I’m positive.” I attempt to move around him, but he blocks my path again.

“I thought you looked familiar, and it’s been bugging me. So, I did a little digging into you, Eloise Muller, the baker, and it was most certainly interesting.” He smirks as he places a hand on the wall next to my head as his eyes leer on me. The asshole has the audacity to lick his lips hungrily, but I’m not intimidated by a creep like him.

“I’d have assumed you’d have more pressing things to worry about the night before your wedding than little old me,” I reply, giving him my most innocent voice.

“My brother’s happiness is important. I needed to make sure who he was bringing around is worthy of being a part of this family,” he says snidely.

“Like your soon-to-be-bride who was supposed to be marrying your brother,” I throw back at him.

“She was mine to begin with!” He spits the words out while his face turns bright red with anger.

Touched a nerve, I see. “I don’t have time for this.” I roll my eyes and try to move around him again, but he’s not having any of it.

“Oh, you’ll have time for me,” he says smugly as he reaches out and runs a finger down my arm.