Page 123 of Paradise Found

What a creep.I grab his wrist and flick it away to stop him. “Touch me again, and I’ll break a finger,” I warn.

“Who knew threatening me with violence would get my dick hard, but look at that …” he points, “… seems it does.”

This time I push him away from me.

This man is a pig.

“You realize you have a wife-to-be and a child here?”

“Please! Miranda fucks whoever she wants to fuck as well. We aren’t monogamous,” he states.

“Oh, is that why she was flirting with Alistair earlier? Now it all makes sense. I thought it was because she still had feelings for him and may have been having second thoughts about the wedding,” I declare.

George thumps his hand on the wall high above my head and glares at me. “Listen bitch, she can have whoever she wants, just not my brother,” he seethes.

“You sure about that?” I tease, which is probably stupid of me, but I can’t help it. No one stands up to this guy. He isn’t God. He’s a spoiled rotten rich guy who thinks the world should be bowing down to a man like him simply because of the car he drives, the home he lives in, or job he has.Screw him.

“Spill whatever you think you need to spill. I’m sick of this charade,” I assert.

“Mistress Elle from The Paradise Club,” George states with a grin.

“You have the wrong person,” I tell him.

What the fuck!The first rule of The Paradise Club is you don’t talk about it.

“Is that so?” he says as he pulls out his phone and connects to The Paradise Club’s secure app. Then he turns the phone around and shows me working there.

Shit.I am going to have to let HR know that a client showed me this—they won’t appreciate the fact that he is using it like this.

“My friend wouldn’t stop talking about you. How much fun you had together, and then he showed me your photo, and I locked it away for the next time I was to be at the club. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Wish you were scheduled each time I’d been there. We could have had some fun.”

Fuck him.

Now it makes sense why there are two Mr. Kings on file.

“You do realize this is grounds for termination of your membership … harassing me like this,” I articulate while raising a brow.

“You think they would listen to a slut like you over me?” he spits back.

I laugh in his face. “You really have no idea what the club is about if you think they are going to side with you over me.”

“Don’t you fucking dare say a thing,” he barks and grabs me.

“I don’t think so. You started this, but I’m going to finish it!”

His face turns red with anger again. “You really shouldn’t try me. I have the best people on my payroll, and the things they can find out at the drop of a hat …” He grins. “Amazing.”

“Nothing you can say will upset me. So, go ahead, give it your best shot.”

George smiles sadistically. “Is that so, Lady Eloise Miller of Winchester,” he says, stating a name I’ve long forgotten about.

Everything in me stops. The bad part about all this is the fact I can see it on his face how much he’s enjoying catching me off-guard like this. “Who knewyouare a Lady? Would never have guessed,” he says, looking me up and down with disdain. “You left home as soon as you could, not because you wanted to be a model but because good old Uncle Henry wouldn’t keep his creepy hands to himself. And so many times you told people, but they all said, ‘Little Eloise has such a vivid imagination’ and ignored your cries for help.”


I can feel my brick walls crumbling as this asshole is taking me back to a time I had long forgotten.How the fuck did he find out about this?The only person outside of my parents I told was the therapist they sent me to because they thought it was all lies. Turns out she was on their payroll, and so she tried to convince me I was making it all up because Uncle Henry is a respectable man and couldn’t possibly do anything so disrespectful to a young lady.

“Fuck you!” I try my hardest not to fall apart in front of this psycho.

“Oh, I truly hope you do,” he says, licking his lips. “Come to my room tonight, and I’ll make sure no one finds out about your dirty little secret.”


“I’m a patient man, but the deal’s up at midnight.” He turns on his heel and chuckles darkly, and then he walks away from me.