But hell, she could really make him laugh.

He headed into his place and walked over to the stereo, in the mood for a little Frank Sinatra. He poured a splash of bourbon into a glass and took a seat in his leather recliner that looked over the city.

Today had not gone at all like he’d planned. But he didn’t know the last time he’d ever enjoyed himself more, starting the moment Benny Sorensen opened her front door, tired and grumpy about the early hour but still a refreshing change from all the women who’d practically flip handsprings to please him.

She was intriguing.

And despite her spastic interactions with Luke Seeley, she’d handled his buddies at the club with aplomb, had them eating out of her hand. Something that had kind of irked him, the banter that flowed between them, the easy way she’d flirted with them. Fast learner, he supposed.

If Luke Seeley knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t take no for an answer from Benny Sorensen the next time, diving in there before some other lucky guy usurped his place in Benny’s heart.

Henry had meant what he’d said earlier about liking her family. Even the brothers who hadn’t just slugged him in the head but had sabotaged him the entire game. Something he knew and was well aware they knew he knew. He took it as a sort of hazing ritual. What brothers and sisters did to protect each other.

Speaking of sisters, it had been too long since he and Morgan had shared space, let alone a meal. And he missed his niece.

Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, he dialed the number and waited for her answer. “Morgan? Hey, it’s me.”

“Oh, no. You’ve called to lecture me. What have I done wrong now? Did I forget your birthday?” But he heard the smile in her voice.

“I was thinking that maybe if you’re in town, we might all have dinner together next week. Just the three of us.”

There was silence. “Sorry, Henry—you’re asking me to have dinner with you? Are you sick? Is there something I should know?”

“Very funny. It’s just that having Ella with me last weekend made me realize how much I miss you guys and like hanging out with you. Something we haven’t done a lot of lately. So I thought I’d try and fix that. How about it?”

“Okay. I—I’d like that. And Ella would, too. In fact…she mentioned something interesting to me the other day. Something about Skittles and the nice lady doctor who pulled one out of her nose—”

“Wow. Look at the time, I should let you go. I’ll call you later this week to finalize the details.”

She laughed. “Okay, I’ll let it go this time. Good night, Henry.”

“’Night, Morgan.”

He hung up and returned the phone to his pocket, finding the card of the beautiful woman from earlier. Lela, was it?

He stared at the card, remembering the interaction on the elevator. Yes, she was beautiful, but it wasn’t Lela he was thinking of. He smiled as he recalled the look of disgust Benny had shot the two of them, particularly Lela.

Any other time, he’d probably have accepted Lela’s offer for company right then, having a long night of solitude ahead for himself anyhow. But for some reason, hanging out with the woman, no matter how beautiful she was, had no appeal. She would inevitably ply him with questions, lay the compliments on thick, and probably have him in her bed before they could finish the first bottle of wine.

It was…predictable.

Something that he certainly couldn’t say about spending time with Benny Sorensen.

With panache, he tossed the card like a Frisbee, scoring a point as it hit and fell into the wastebasket. He felt lighter already, although why wasn’t something he was ready to analyze.

Instead, he savored his bourbon, the music, the view before him, and the memory of someone’s unbridled and joyful laugh as the wind whipped her hair while they’d cruised down the interstate.

Chapter Twelve

“That’s the fourth case of hand, foot, and mouth I’ve seen this week,” Benny said to Roz the following morning, watching two twin boys sucking on Popsicles follow their mother out of the office. “Once it takes hold at a place like a day care or summer camp, it just spreads like crazy.”

“You have an ear infection in exam room four and well checks and vaccinations with the three Johnson kids in two.”

Benny nodded and finished noting the chart as Roz left to get the vaccinations ordered and prepared.

“Good morning, Dr. Sorensen.” Her heart skipped a beat as she glanced to her right to see none other than Luke Seeley bearing down on her, an easy smile on his face. “How did your weekend go?”

Right. The weekend with the mystery man who was not anyone serious. Although the mystery man might have been invented, the time with Henry was not. And that had been, strangely enough…fun.