“Oh, I’m sure it is.”

As if suddenly realizing Benny was still there, Henry smiled at her. “Lela, correct? This is Dr. Benny Sorensen.”

The woman nodded—barely—and reached inside her purse and pulled out a card to hand to Henry. “Maybe you might be interested in having lunch sometime? Or going for drinks? I would love to bend your ear about how you’ve accomplished so much. Maybe you can offer me some guidance…from a PR standpoint, of course.”

Guidance, Benny’s ass. The woman was totally hitting on Henry and not even concerned with the possibility that Benny and Henry might be on a date. Or something. But considering she recognized Henry on sight, Benny wouldn’t put it past the woman to have done research into Henry’s background and to know his reputation as a proverbial playboy.

Henry slipped the card in his back pocket. “Maybe I will,” he said. “I haven’t seen you before. Are you new to the building?”

“My brother lives here, but he’s abroad for the moment, so he’s letting me crash at his place until I find my own. I was working for a PR firm in Chicago until recently.”

“Ah, yes. The Windy City. How’s our little city holding up in comparison?”

“I’m quickly seeing its potential.”

Good grief.

The elevator stopped, and the doors opened before any more of the cutting-edge wit could continue.

“This is me,” Lela said and reluctantly stepped off. “It was such a pleasure to meet you, Henry. Don’t be afraid to stop by sometime. I’m in 907. I’m afraid being new in the city I don’t really know anyone or what to do with myself.”


ething that will have to be remedied,” Henry said as Lela gave a final smile and the elevator door shut.

Benny didn’t try to suppress her groan.

“What?” Henry asked, looking truly baffled.

“Sorry, I’m not used to witnessing such disgusting displays of desperation.” Benny paused and gave an imitation of the woman’s sultry laugh. “Oh, Henry. You’re so wise and smart and little old me is just helpless and lost and I need you to help guide me.” She batted her lashes for good measure and licked her lips.

Henry chuckled as the door opened and they headed down the hall to their respective places. “Yes, Benny, there is a certain artifice in all flirting, but it’s part of the game. Lela wasn’t afraid to go for what she wanted. She showed her interest and left the door open for further communication. If you want a date with Luke, you’re going to have to take a page out of that playbook and put yourself out there.”

Right. Luke. The reason she was doing all of this in the first place. She nodded. “Okay. I see your point.” They reached his door first, and she looked at the time. Nearly nine. “So you think you’ll be okay on your own? Your head is doing okay?”

“I know my name, the year, and the name of the current president if that’s what you’re wondering. You know, Dr. Sorensen, if you’re worried about me, there’s more than enough room in my bed to fit the two of us. I wouldn’t want you to spend a long, sleepless night thinking about me,” he said with a smile and gleam in those dark eyes.

“Does that really work on women?”

“You’d be surprised.”

“Good night, Henry,” she said and walked down the hall.

“’Night, Benny.”

She just prayed that Henry hadn’t noticed the flush that crept in her cheeks at the prospect of sharing his bed—joke or not. Of lying next to him, watching him sleep, watching him do maybe a few other things…

Then she remembered Henry’s easy, casual flirting on the elevator. What was she thinking? A night with Henry would be setting herself up for heartache, since he’d just move on to the next woman the next night.

No. Henry didn’t want any of the same things she did. Didn’t want forever, just…for now.

Good thing they were totally incompatible.

Henry watched as Benny Sorensen headed into her place. He’d be lying if for a brief moment he hadn’t entertained the idea of feigning some confusion or a sudden pounding headache that would obligate the good doctor to stay by his side. But then reality set in and he realized…he was nuts.

Benny Sorensen was feisty, opinionated, and surly. Definitely not his type.