
Iwasn’tgreatatmath, but with only three rounds left in this clip and a fuck load of mobsters to dispatch on our way out, I figured we had a problem.

I checked Cam over. She seemed a little wide-eyed, but otherwise fine. “I’m sorry you had to see that, darlin’.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’m just glad you made him stop talking.” A shiver rippled through her.

Listening to Franky explain how he planned on killing us couldn’t have been easy for her.

“He wasn’t lying about one thing. His guys are on their way. We have to move.”

She nodded and helped me untie the bindings at my ankles before I fell on my ass. I grabbed Franky’s pistol and handed it to her, then collected the weapons from the other bodies. It still wasn’t enough.

Gunfire sounded above us. A lot.

Cam glanced at the ceiling. “What the hell is going on up there?”

I recognized one of the firing patterns. Double shots. Operator style.

I nodded. “That’s Landers.” At least it seemed like he was making good on his promise to help.

We climbed the stairs and paused at the door. Rapid gunfire cracked nearby. There were multiple shooters, and I wondered how many men Landers faced on his own. More than he could handle, I suspected. He needed my backup.

I checked over Cam’s pistol. Loaded, good. I took the safety off and handed it back. “That’s ready to go. Only use it if you have to. Don’t get fancy. Aim for the torso.” I tugged her to me for one firm, reassuring kiss. She held my face in her free hand and pressed hard against my lips. I pulled back but kept my eyes at her level. “Stay behind me. Keep close.”

She nodded and we were off.

The hallway offered little protection from the gunfight happening at the end of the corridor. I kept my weapon aimed at the opening up ahead where people flashed past, running for cover. No one looked our way, but if they did, they’d be dead.

We were close to the club floor, and I took in the chaos unfolding. Armed men took cover behind flipped-over tables. Screaming women clad in G-strings and glitter staggered in high heels to escape the building.

Landers, the clever bastard, had set himself and the waitress, presumably Sage, up in a prime sniper position on the top level. From the looks of it, they’d already picked off seven or eight of Franky’s guys. But they were being fired upon now and were pinned behind a large metal filing cabinet pushed up against the balustrade.

I had the element of surprise. No one expected another shooter to emerge at ground level.

Behind me, Cam hunched low with her spare hand covering an ear. I needed to get her somewhere safe while I dealt with this.

I directed her to an alcove where she’d have cover. The gunfire was deafening, so I put my lips to her ear to speak. “Stay here. If anyone comes, shoot them.”

She gave a sharp shake of her head. “I want to come with you. Let me help.”

I cupped her face. “Darlin’, I’ll be distracted with you out there. Shit’s gonna get crazy, and—”


An explosion rocked the club floor.

Jesus. That sounded like a grenade.

Cam’s nails dug into my forearm. I gave her a pointed look.

She nodded fast, her face a little paler than it had been moments before. “Okay. I’ll stay put.”

I pressed a kiss to her forehead and set off.

With my pistol aimed ahead, I took steady steps as I advanced.Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.That was drilled into us during training. I lived and breathed this shit for so many years it was second nature, and I effortlessly slipped back into combat mode. And even though my head pounded from the beating, my instincts were sharp and my mind clear.