The asshole grinned and arched one dark brow. “Aha, there you are. The feral animal has broken free from the semi-civilized facade. I see you now.”

“And I see you too, Franky.”

“What were you two doing up in the mountains? Playing house together? Did you think you could pretend you’re normal and not a cold-blooded killer?” He shook his head. “No, Mr. Shepherd. Men like us don’t get to have a piece of that life. You might have convinced Ms. McKenzie you’re something better than you are, but you’ll never change. I know what I am. A soulless monster, rotten to the core. And you are, too. I’m doing the world a favor by killing you.”

I dug my fingernails into my palms. I wasn’t the same as Franky, but he was right about one thing. Cam deserved a better life than the one I could give her. It was a sucker punch having this son of a bitch remind me of that.

I glanced at the thugs leaning against the back wall. With arms folded and smug faces, the only thing they lacked was popcorn.

“Let’s finish this, shall we?” Franky removed his glasses and handed them to the redhead. “I learned at an early age that mercy will get you killed. When my father allowed a betrayal to be punished with banishment, instead of death, it cost him his life, and that of my brother. That is why you and the McKenzie siblings must die. There will be no mercy from me except this. After you take your last breath, I will end Ms. McKenzie’s life quickly. Unfortunately for you, Mr. Shepherd, your demise will be much slower.” He rolled up his shirt sleeves and took a step toward me. “I misjudged you. I thought you were loyal to me.” His hand went into his pocket and he pulled out a set of brass knuckles.

I expected something like this from Franky. And since this thing between us was personal, it didn’t surprise me he wanted to finish me himself. In fact, I counted on it.

He pushed the knuckle dusters over his fingers. Another step. “But once a dog bites its owner and tastes blood, it must be put down.” He wriggled his fingers, making final adjustments. Those calculating, cold eyes told me he would enjoy this.

Face twisting into an inhuman grimace, Franky swung his right arm back for a king hit. When he followed through, I slipped to my left and brought my hands up to deflect the blow. The unexpected move left him unbalanced, and he almost landed in my lap.

I grabbed Franky by the vest and slammed my forehead into his face. The satisfying crunch of bone was like a trigger unleashing the unforgiving savage within me. He cried out and his neck flung back as blood streamed from his nose and mouth.

The enforcers pushed off from the wall and fumbled for their guns. I stood and spun Franky so his back was to my chest, then clamped one arm around his neck in a tight choke hold. They’d have to shoot through their boss to get to me. Franky’s legs kicked out in front of him, and he clawed at my arms.

Not nice being on the receiving end, is it?

Franky’s pistol, tucked into the back of his pants, pressed between us.

Fucking game on, assholes.

In one motion, I pulled the weapon, released the safety and put two bullets in the redhead on the left. Body shot; head shot. Before his corpse hit the floor, I aimed at the other guard as he raised his Glock. I fired one bullet through his pistol hand and the next through his head. Weapon and body hit the deck.

Franky made choking noises as he struggled. I shoved him onto the ground, face first. He scurried onto his back, gripping his throat and gasping for air. Crimson spittle stained the front of his gray vest.

I aimed the pistol at Franky’s chest. “Cam, come on out.”

She emerged from behind the pillar, her gaze darting around the room as she scanned the scene before her. Then her eyes met mine and she ran to my side. I tucked her under my spare arm and pulled her close.

Franky looked between the two of us, confused as fuck.

I aimed the pistol at his crotch. The expression of horror on his face was satisfying. “I have to know, Cam. Did he take advantage of you like he said?” Her cuts and bruises would heal, but if he’d forced her to do other things, she might never recover from that. And I would need to make someone suffer.

She shook her head. “No. He was bluffing.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. He could keep his dick, but he wasn’t walking away from this. I raised the aim of my weapon to his chest.

“Wait! We can make a deal.” Franky’s words flew out fast as he coughed and sat up.

Like fuck. “Stay down!”

Franky raised his hands in the air. “Twenty of my men are about to storm this basement. I’ll tell them to stand down if you stop this right now. You can walk away and live, or fight and die. You can’t take them all on and keep her safe.”

Fuck. The cunning bastard had a point. If I didn’t have Cam to protect, I’d end Franky this second and go to war with his guys topside despite the risks. Landers was upstairs, but I wasn’t sure how much I could trust him to back me up.

But if Franky and I went our separate ways, I could still follow through with my plans to get Cam out of the country and come back for him when I’d regrouped. After all, this wasn’t a peace offering. It was a temporary ceasefire.

He winced and wiped blood from his nose. “All of you can leave. I give you my word.” Franky leaned forward to stand, and a flash of silver caught my eye. He reached for a pistol strapped at his ankle.

I fired two bullets into his heart before he got it out of the holster.

Cam yelped as Franky’s lifeless body slumped to the floor beside her. She kicked the pistol from where it lay near his outstretched arm. Franky let out one last wheezing exhale before his dark eyes took on a vacant stare.

Enjoy your one-way trip to hell, motherfucker.

Franky Russo’s reign of terror had ended, but our fight out of here had only begun.