“Ryder,” Kara’s voice struggles to come through on the other end. Loud voices, like she’s stuck in a crowd make her faint words barely audible. “…need your help.”
“Where the fuck are you?”
Like her previous sentence, the answer is muffled, “…bar.”
Of course she’s at a fucking bar.
“…near Clover Rose University.”
“Forfuckssake,” I grouse while shoving my key into the ignition. “That’s in the next city over.”
Music and cheering drown out everything but one word. “…please.”
Knowing what it’s like to be left when you feel you need someone the most is what prompts me into sighing, “I’ll come find you. Wait outside for me.”
Ending the call is followed by buckling my seatbelt and pulling away from the curb.
I can’t just walk away from someone I give a fuck about.
Especially not when I know how fragile they’re pretending not to be.
The truth of the shit is that she needs more help than I can give her on my own.
And that shit is something she’s going to have to find if she wants to keep me around.