“That’s none of your business. Paige has her own life goals and plans, and she’s not interested in relationships.”
That comment jabs me right where it hurts. I had my suspicions. Even with our nightly cuddle sessions, she might have her own no-attachments policy. How ironic. The first time in years I’m interested in a woman, and she doesn’t want a relationship.
“I know how you are,” Amber continues. “You hook up once and then turn cold. Maybe that would be fine if Paige was a stranger, but she lives with us and needs to keep trusting you. If you turn cold, she won’t be able to do that.”
My entire mood drops, so I don’t respond. I’m way beyond the possibility of turning cold on Paige. Completely the opposite. Now it sounds like she’ll turn cold on me.
“Promise me,” Amber insists. “You promise me you will not touch Paige while I’m gone.”
I swallow. Is it breaking a promise if you’ve already broken it before saying the words?
“Okay. Yes. I promise.”
She pokes my shoulder. “You promise what?”
“I promise I won’t touch Paige.” Unless she wants me to. Because Paige wants me to touch her.
Amber studies my expression, which is blank, and then sighs. “Good. Now I can focus on fixing myself before I help fix everything with Paige.”
I get out to grab her bags and walk her inside. Before we enter the sliding front doors, she stops to say, “Thank you. And…I forgive you.”
Forgiveness. Finally. The heaviness in my chest dissolves, but the relief doesn’t last long. Dread is eager to fill the gap. All three of us will have a lot to talk about once Amber gets out of rehab.
A FEW DAYS LATER, I’M at the gym getting caught up on all the appointments I rescheduled. “Take a break,” I tell my client. He drops the weights and wipes his brow with a towel. I toss him a water bottle as Miguel catches my attention from across the gym. I wave back, then tell my client, “After your break, move to chin ups and barbell high pulls. I’ll be right back.” My client nods, and I jog over to Miguel.
“Hey.” He slaps my hand and we half-hug. Then he shoves a small manila envelope into my chest. “Take this.”
I open the flap. Inside, there’s a thousand bucks. I furrow my brows. “Uh, what’s this for?”
“Your sister.”
My chin drops to my chest. He’s always been a great friend, but this is above and beyond. Despite being moved, I push the envelope toward him. “No, man, this is too much. Insurance is helping. I can’t let you give me this.”
He slips a hundred out and then hands it back. “There. It’s less. Take it.”
“No, I can’t—”
“Hey. Just take it. You need to pay for your sister’s rehab, and you got your woman to take care of.”
“My woman?” My stupid heart skips a beat thinking of Paige that way. God, what’s happened to me?
Miguel’s eyebrows dance. “You get with her yet or what? I’m asking as a courtesy since Amber’s been gone a few days. I figured you hooked up the first night you two were alone, right?”
I glance at my client. He’s still resting on a bench. I pocket the envelope because Miguel is set on giving it to me. “Thanks for this. I’ll pay you back.”
“I won’t let you. So what’s going on with your woman?”
“Actually, can I talk to you about that?”
Miguel urges me to a corner. “Sure, man. What’s going on?”
This feels dumb. I can’t believe what I’m about to say because it sounds insane and completely unlike me. Someone hijacked my brain and Brody no longer lives here.
Miguel taps my arm when I don’t respond. He laughs. “You look sick. What’s going on?”
I force the words through my tight throat. “I think I’m in love.”