Page 55 of Nonverbal

I shake my head. I can’t stay.

“Please,” she whispers. “I’ll go to rehab if you wait here until I get back. Promise me.”

I have to agree so she’ll get the help she needs, but now it’s my turn to feel like a bad person. Staying here permanently was never the plan, and I won’t get Amber in trouble. I can’t keep my promise.

More tears fall down her cheeks. Brody stares at me with tender blue eyes. For one insignificant beat of a second, a tiny voice whispers the word ‘family’ in my head. Like I can be part of this family where each day is full and satisfying and enough.

Then the beat is gone. I’m next to my friend who will be mad at me for breaking my promise, and her brother who will turn me away when he learns my secrets.

Chapter Thirteen


I PARK THE CAR AND open my door to help Amber with her bags. She grabs my arm, eyes darting around the front of the rehab center like a frightened animal. The building is nondescript, with a large entrance with sliding glass doors. It reminds me of a small, low-budget motel.

“This is the right thing to do, right?” she asks.

I close the car door and lean back. “Yes. You’ve needed this for a long time.”

Paige is a miracle worker. I’ve tried for years to get Amber into some form of therapy. Then Paige shows up and everything changes. The weight I’ve carried is finally lifted. At least for the next month, I can relax for the first time in eight years knowing Amber is getting help.

“It’s a lot of money,” she says, making fists against her thighs. “What if it doesn’t work? Even if I swear off drugs, I can’t just forget what I did.”

“It’s better than not trying. They’re the professionals, so they’ll know how to help. We’ll worry about the money later.” After a pause, I add, “I’m proud of you.”

“Yeah, right. You’re just glad to be rid of me.”

I squeeze the steering wheel. I love my sister but, fuck, she pisses me off. “No, I’m proud of you. You act like I don’t care when that’s all I’ve done. What you do affects me. Getting a call last year that you overdosed, that you wanted to, was the worst day of my life. Why do you paint this picture that I’m some asshole brother? Yes, I left when you needed me and I’m sorry. For the past year, I’ve been sorry. I made a mistake that I’ll regret for the rest of my life, and I’m sorry. I’m here right now taking you to rehab, helping you pay for it, and I get attitude like I deserve to be punished the rest of my life for my mistake. Amber. I. Am. Sorry. I’ve been here this entire week with you so—”

“I know,” she cuts in with a trembling voice. “I know. I’m not trying to fight and give you attitude. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have responded that way. That was old Amber talking. I know you care, and I’m the one who’s sorry. I’ve been selfish. I hurt so much sometimes that I stop thinking clearly. I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m…”

I release the steering wheel to rub her shoulder as her voice cracks. “I want to see you happy.”

“I know. I’m trying to get my shit together. I don’t want to make you worry anymore, and I want to help Paige. I have to get better so she doesn’t have to go back.”

My muscles tense. “Go back where? You mean living with the asshole who hurts her? No way. She can live with us.”

She shakes her head, wiping her cheeks. “It’s not that simple.”

“Amber. What aren’t you telling me? You’ve been so reluctant to talk about Paige, and she won’t tell me either. I need to know what’s going on. Is she in some kind of trouble?”

“I can’t. I can’t get into it right now. We’ll all sit down and talk as soon as I get out, but everything is fine. It’s complicated, but she’ll be fine if she just stays with us and doesn’t go home. I trust you to keep her safe.”

Of course I’ll keep her safe. I’ll do everything I can to protect her, but I hate being kept in the dark, and I don’t like any mention of Paige leaving.

“Why do you look concerned?” she asks. “You’ll keep her safe, right?”

“Yes.” I put my hand on the door handle. “Let’s get you inside. The sooner you start, the sooner we can all have this talk.”

She crosses her arms in a huff. “Keep her safe, but promise me you’ll leave her alone while I’m gone.”

“You’ve been ridiculous this whole time. You act like I have a life mission to fuck every woman I meet.”

“Don’t you?”

My gaze doesn’t waver. “No. And besides, wasn’t she the one trying for a casual hookup with Mr. Pothead?” I think about going back to his house to punch him. I’ve been known to hold a grudge.