“Fuck,” he breathes as the severity of this situation sinks in. Then his blue eyes pop up to mine. “Delinda?” he croaks out.

“Remiel,” I say with a grimace, thankful that I was unconscious at the time. I probably would have died from shock otherwise.

“Jesus,” Devon huffs out.

“Go to Xane,” I say to him again. “Ask him for the dagger that he used at our Blood Magick ritual. He will know the one.”

“Will he help?” Devon asks with a frown. “After your fight?”

“I fucking hope so,” I mutter, because if he doesn't, I am going to have to interrupt the Vampire meeting and that is something that I will leave as an absolute last resort.

He nods stoically. “I won't let you down,” he says.

“I know you won't, my darling boy,” I say to him with a soft smile. “Now go!”

The Underworld, November 2014 - Devon

He Astraports off, leaving Lizzie screaming her head off. It’s a fucking good thing she set that ward, or she would have been found and taken by now. He gulps when he thinks about what she is going to have to endure to get her baby into the World. It is not something that he will ever forget in his life.

He lands in Lizzie’s home in the Underworld. He looks around and it is eerily quiet. He has absolutely no idea where to find Xane, so he wanders outside to have a look around.

He nearly jumps out of his skin when he comes across a solemn-looking man, about eight feet tall and wider than three of him put together.

The giant grimaces at him but doesn’t approach and turns back to look at the spot where Sebastian died.

Devon can only assume this is a Dragon sent to warn his Emperor of any Fae activity in the area. Fortunately for Devon, he has no Fae blood in him whatsoever, so he has been allowed on his way.

He scampers quickly past the Dragon and over to the side where it appears that a new house has been constructed. It isn’t the old one from the spell that Xanthe was concocting, but a new structure that has probably been erected on the fly.

Walking up to the door, Devon pauses and knocks. No way does he want to Astraport in uninvited, now that Xane is no longer considered an ally.

A woman opens it up with a curious look at him. “Is Xane here?” he asks.

Her eyes narrow with suspicion. “What do you want with the Overlord?” she inquires.

“I need to see him immediately. Tell him it’s Devon and that Xerxei needs him.”

She hisses when she hears Lizzie’s Demon name. He wonders if perhaps it was a mistake mentioning it.

“Wait here,” she says shortly and lets him inside.

He stands in the entrance hall, feeling more than awkward as time ticks away. His thoughts go back to Lizzie and how she is doing right now. Probably not good, he decides, as a tightening in his chest suddenly causes him to wheeze. It is coming from his sire. He needs to hurry the fuck up.

After another minute has passed, Devon is about to barge down the hallway in the direction that the woman went, when she reappears and beckons him forward. He follows her towards a closed door and then leaves him outside of it, presumably to knock and wait to be bid entrance.

Which he does.

“Enter,” Xane calls out and Devon rolls his eyes before he pushes the door open.

“Devon, what can I do for you?” Xane asks formally. He is standing up behind his desk with a book in his hand.

“Aefre needs you,” Devon says quickly. “She needs you to give me the blade that you used on her for the Blood Magick ritual.”

Xane eyebrows go up slightly as his lips remain pursed. “Why?” he asks.

“It’s a long story. I need to get back to her, please can you just give it to me?” Devon asks in a rush. His sire needs him, and she needs him now.

“Explain first. It is a dangerous weapon to just hand over to a novice,” Xane says to his annoyance.