“She is in labor, the blade cuts her, I assume that’s why she needs it,” Devon says, giving him the shortened version.

“Cuts her?” he asks. “Why would she need it to cut her?”

“Because she can’t give birth the…I dunno…human way!” Devon exclaims in exasperation.

“Oh,” Xane says, taken aback. “Why should I help her? She has given up on me, on us.”

Has she? Way she told it, Xane had given up on her. Sneaky, little…

We don’t have time for this.

“Please,” he begs, not knowing what else to do. “She is in trouble.”

“Very well, but I require something in return,” he says.

“What?” Devon snaps at him. What a time for a negotiation.

“I don’t know yet. But when the time comes, you will do me a favor,” Xane says, the smugness in his tone making Devon’s skin crawl.

“Me?” he asks in surprise. “Why me?”

“Because you, my little Demon-in-training, are quite a useful tool,” Xane says ominously.

Devon takes in a deep breath, not even wanting to contemplate what that means. “Fine,” he says huffing out his breath. “Fine, just give me the blade.” He holds his hand out, waiting for it.

Xane snaps his fingers and it appears on Devon’s palm. “Be warned, that thing has more magickal uses than you can fathom. Use it only to do what you told me you came here for.”

“Of course,” Devon says, closing his fist over the handle and shoving it into the back of his jeans.

“And one last thing. Xerxei will return it to me,” he says with a hint of anger at the use of his wife’s name.

“Done,” Devon says, bobbing his head. Lizzie will probably gut him with this dagger for agreeing to that, especially if she has lied to them about why she and Xane had their bust-up, but anything to get out of this house and away from the Demon Overlord’s presence. Now that he is no longer a part of the inner-circle, Devon can see why he has the reputation that he does. He is downright terrifying when he isn’t mooning after Lizzie. He makes a mental note to watch their backs. This Demon isn’t finished with Lizzie, but his intentions aren’t exactly clear at all. Does he intend harm or to get her back?

Devon Astraports out without another word, back to his sire’s side.

“Finally,” Dr. Hathaway whispers at him, giving him a fierce glare.

“Sorry,” Devon says, looking at Lizzie. She is sweating profusely and has her teeth clamped down on a leather belt. His eyes widen as he realizes that she had to leave the ward open enough for him to re-enter. It will barely be cloaking her right now and certainly not sound-proofing the room. “Jesus,” he whispers. “I am so sorry I took so long. Xane was being an ass.”

She gives him a look that makes his insides churn. She is beyond pissed with him. Her jaw clenches and she squeezes her eyes shut, and after a moment opens her mouth and removes the belt from her fangs and hands it back to Dr. Hathaway while she mutters an incantation under her breath. Dr. Hathaway looks forlornly at his ruined belt but then tosses it to one side as Lizzie lets out a roar so loud, Devon has to clamp his hands over his ears. Fuck! She must be in some pain. He has never heard her express her agony so loudly before.

“Hurry up!” she shrieks at him and it gets him into motion.

He pulls the blade from out of the back of his pants and holds it up to her. “Is this the right one?” he asks. God help everyone if it isn’t.

She squints her eyes at it and then nods, her mouth in a grim line.

“Can you give her anything for the pain?” Devon asks the doctor.

Dr. Hathaway gives him a withering look at his oh-so-stupid question. “Obviously not,” he says indicating a rabid, snarling Lizzie, Vamped out to the max and tearing at her clothes.

“Now!” she bellows.

“On it,” Devon says hurriedly, steeling himself for what he is about to do.

“Once I make the cut,” Dr. Hathaway says, holding his hand out for the blade, “I will pass the handle to you. You must keep it wedged inside for as long as you can. It may require some additional tools. He glances at Devon’s hands and he gets the meaning. He is going to have to use his claws to hold her open. It makes him gag slightly.

“Do not be a fucking pussy about this!” Lizzie screams at him.