How exactly does he plan on doing that? I wonder.

“But as things are so uncertain, I do believe you should remain here until my wife has given birth,” CK adds to the doctor. “You will, of course, be well compensated.”

I glare at him. Is he out of his mind? With all the shit that goes on here, he now has to bring a human into it?

“I would be happy to,” Dr. Hathaway says, probably thinking only of the money and not the crazy-ass Vampire attack from earlier.

“Great,” I mutter under my breath as Frederick takes the opportunity to pull my dress down and help me off the table.

“I will get to work on the blood sample,” Dr. Hathaway says, already scooting off on his wheeled chair with my blood vial clutched in his hand.

CK escorts me out of the office and as soon as we are out of earshot, I turn to him. “Are you out of your mind?” I ask. “We can’t have a human here, and one that might be working for the Vampires no less.”

“He isn’t working for the Vampires, Aefre,” CK says in exasperation, handing Delinda back over to me.

“How do you know?” I inquire. “And you just gave him my blood.”

“He is here for our child and her well-being. Nothing more,” CK insists.

“Well, that had better be damn true or you will have a lot to answer for,” I say to him in a huff.

“I don’t like you,” Delinda suddenly blurts out.

I look down at her with a frown, to find she is giving Frederick the stink-eye. He just looks back at her with the same blank expression that usually adorns his features.

“That’s okay,” he answers with a shrug. “You don’t know me.”

Delinda scowls at him as he has effectively backed her into a corner. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t like you,” she states with a fierce glare.

CK stifles his snort of amusement but I tut at her. “Delinda, that’s incredibly rude,” I say to her.

“I am just telling the truth,” she says.

“And that is good, but sometimes we need to keep things that might be hurtful to ourselves,” I chide her.

Her cheeks go pink and she hides her head away in my shoulder.

“I’m not hurt,” Frederick says with a shrug.

I shoot him an apologetic glance, but he is hiding a small smile and isn’t offended, thankfully.

“I am going to put Delinda to bed,” I say and turn towards the stairs.

“No,” she whimpers. “I don’t want to go back into that room.”

“Oh, sweetie. You will be perfectly safe, I promise you.” I give a pointed look at CK and he understands at once.

“I will set wards right now,” he says.

“Allow me,” Remiel says, appearing before us and straightening his cuffs.

“I fucking dare you to erect wards around my property,” CK snarls at him.

“How do I know I can trust your wards?” Remiel asks. “My daughter needs protecting.”

“CK’s wards are good,” I say weakly, really too tired for another pissing contest. “Besides, yours tend to be a little bit too powerful. My head hurts enough without the added pressure.”

“Too powerful,” he scoffs. “No such thing, dear charge. But have at it.” He directs this last sentence to CK. “But mark my words, if they fail, I will rip your head off.”