“I’d like to see you try,” CK says, accepting the challenge, but at the stamp of my foot they both go off outside to see to the wards around the grounds.

“I hope they don’t try and tear each other to shreds,” I say.

“It’s interesting,” Frederick says, leaning against the wall casually. “I never in a million years thought I would see you un-sired to Constantine, never mind sired to another man…and that Constantine accepts it, no less.”

“‘Accepts’ is such a bad word choice,” I say with a sigh. “I will catch up with you later. I want to know precisely what you are doing here and why you just so happened to turn up when the attacks started.” I give him a hard look and he tilts his head.

“I’m not going anywhere. Come and find me,” he says and saunters off as I head up the stairs.

“Don’t worry, baby,” I say to Delinda. “I will stay with you until the wards are up and you have fallen asleep.”

She nods sleepily, happy with that, all of the excitement of the day having caught up with her.

Constantine pokes his head around the door, and I put my finger to my lips. I check on Delinda one last time. She is fast asleep and comfortable.

When I leave her room and softly close the door behind me, he says to me, “You need to rest now.”

“I can’t. I need to know what’s going on,” I say to him with a sigh.

“Come and sit with me,” he says, taking my hand and leading me to the alcove. We both seat ourselves and look out into the darkness.

“The wards?” I ask with a slight smirk.

“Mine,” he growls at me and I chuckle at him. “Aefre…have you been in contact with Frederick prior to this evening’s events?”

I knew it was coming, it was inevitable. I showed no surprise at seeing him and we fell into old ways like the last five hundred years never happened.

“Yes,” I say, “but it’s not what you think. He came here to warn me about Laurentis. That’s it.”

CK’s frown deepens. “What does he know about Laurentis?”

“It’s a long story and one I want him to reveal himself as I still am not entirely sure. Suffice it to say, I think we can trust him,” I venture.

“Humph,” he says and looks back out of the window.

I know he is fuming at Frederick’s return to my life. I have to reassure him. “Don’t ever leave me,” I whisper suddenly to him, feeling terribly alone for some reason.

He looks back at me and crawls over, gathering me into his lap. “I would never. It’s an impossibility.”

“I hope so, because I don’t think I can survive without you, Constantine. I need you more than you can possibly know,” I say, pinching back the tears that are threatening to spill.

“I know,” he says quietly. “I feel the same about you.”

“Speak to me about Sebastian, about what you did,” I ask cautiously.

He hisses, but it isn’t threatening. It’s pain.

“I did what needed to be done,” he answers shortly.

“But it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt, Constantine. You can tell me that you are in pain,” I say.

“I am,” he says after a short pause. “I loved him for many years before we became Vampires. I was made into this and the only person I knew I needed with me was ‘Bastian. Not my family, not my betrothed, no one except him. He has been a constant in my life, Aefre, one that I sorely needed and now he is gone. Gone by my own hand. He deserved it, I don’t doubt that for a second, but he is still gone, and I will feel his loss for a long time to come. Probably forever.”

I choke up at the emotion in his voice and I wrap my arms around him. “I will too,” I murmur. “He was a good man and he should have stayed away from the Fae. I should have made him stay away.”

“No, it’s not your fault, Aefre. Don’t blame yourself. He did what he did because he loved you,” CK says.

I don’t buy it. I am almost entirely to blame for what happened to him.