“I need it,” he says. “It has been so long, Lizzie.” He sits up and nuzzles my neck, fisting his hand in my hair. He moves his mouth over my throat and up to my mouth, where he plunges his tongue into my mouth. I reach for him, so ready for me and I take him in my hand.

“This feels so right,” he murmurs as I stroke him.

“Mm,” I murmur back, eager to have him inside me. It has been too long since we had sex and I have missed him terribly. I can’t believe that I am about to turn him again. I know it will work. I just know it. I grip the back of his neck with my hand as he kisses me again, a deep, passionate kiss that leaves me breathless. I rise above him and slip his hard cock inside me with a little gasp. I try to ignore the shouting and smashing coming from outside. I concentrate only on Devon and the little pumps of his hips as he thrusts deep inside me. His arm circles my waist and I ride him gently, savoring every second.

“You feel so good,” he says. “Fuck, I’ve missed this.”

“Me too,” I tell him and then speed up. I can feel the fizzy feeling course through my veins, and I want more. I want to fuck him hard before I feed from him. I slam my hips down on him as his other hand goes to my breast, flicking my nipple and then squeezing it hard.

“Oh yes,” I cry out. I am conscious of the fact that the shouting has gone completely quiet now on the other side, but I don’t care. I clutch his face with my hands and stare deep into his perfect blue eyes as I come around him in a shudder of ecstasy.

“Now,” he whispers.

I need no more encouragement. I drop my fangs and he tilts his head to the side. As soon as I sink my fangs into his neck and start to suck, he gasps and then lets his orgasm go, flooding me as he spurts deep inside me with a loud groan. “Fuck, yes!” he shouts out as I pull harder and faster.

I am drawing so deeply on him to get him to the point of turning before his Demonic regeneration kicks in. He moans and I know that I am hurting him now but I don’t stop. I can’t. I rise, sliding his still erect cock out of me and let him fall back to the bed, my mouth still attached to his throat. I give one last pull and then, before I release my fangs, I slice my wrist open with my claws and place the open wound to his mouth for him to drink. I make sure he swallows and then I sit back and stare at him, brushing his hair out of his face.

“My darling boy,” I whisper to him and then kiss his soft lips.

I climb off him and Shift back to Aefre, Astralling my clothes back on. He won’t be up for hours, so now I have to go and face the music. I am sure both my current sire and my ex-sire will be as pissed as each other when they learn what I did, but tough shit. This is between Devon and me and it’s right. It’s how it was always meant to be.

I pull the covers up over his naked body and with a final look back, I reach for the door handle. I am about to turn it and bust the barrier that is keeping everyone else out when a sudden, loud gasp behind me startles the crap out of me.

“Dev?” I race to him, my heart sinking as his wide eyes look left and right and then land on me.

Shit, it didn’t work.

Chapter 13

The Underworld, October 2014 - Aefre

“Dev?” I press when he doesn’t answer me.

He looks befuddled and then asks, “How long was I out?”

“Err,” I start, not wanting to break his heart as mine is still falling apart. “About a minute,” I add at his questioning look.

That look turns to one of pure confusion. “A minute?” he roars after a moment.

When I nod my head, he quickly puts his hands up to his mouth. He pulls back when he pricks his finger and my heart soars again.

“It worked!” I cry out in elation. “You are a Vampire again.”

“A minute?” he asks me again. “Are you sure?”

“Positive,” I say with a happy laugh. “I’ve just got dressed.”


bsp; He pulls me to him and there it is…our lost bond is found again now and as strong as ever. “Gods, I missed you,” I mutter as he plies me with kisses, making me giggle uncontrollably at his jubilation. “Your powers,” I gasp at him eventually. “Do you still have them?”

He frowns and then Astraports himself across the room, causing me to fall off the bed with a thud at his sudden disappearance.

“Oh, shit! Lizzie!” he cries, but I get to my feet with a wave of my hand.

“We’re fine,” I say, too excited that this has happened and so quickly. “You’re back.”

“We’re back,” he says and whisks me off my feet, twirling me around in delight. “I love you; I love you so much.”