Relief floods his features and he nods. “Good, because no way was I letting that drop.”

“No, I didn’t think you would,” I say with a chuckle. “When?”

“Now!” he demands, and I gape at him.

“Right now?” I ask. “What about…”

“What about what? Fuck everyone else, for once, Elizabeth,” Devon says, exasperated.

I give him a haughty glare. “I was going to say what about you being unconscious if war descends down on us? I don’t want you vulnerable like that.”

“I’ll take my chances,” he says with that devastating grin that I haven’t seen on his face for so long.

“And your new powers?” I suggest carefully.

“If they go, they go. It will be worth it,” he says with an off-hand shrug that I don’t find all that convincing. It halts me. My excitement over having him as a charge again plummets and he must be able to tell by my face.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Devon and I groan at each and he throws his hand up, forcing up a barrier.

“Aefre!” CK calls out. “What are you doing in there?”

“Talking!” I yell back at him, still confused about Devon’s mixed reactions.

“Why is this door locked?” he bellows. The handle is twisting furiously, but not budging. My darling has power.

“Why does he think?” Devon mutters and I widen my eyes at him.

“Devon, are you sure you want this?” I ask him, looking between him and the door that is shaking now under CK’s fist.

“I have never been surer,” he says. He grabs my upper arm with his other hand. “Do it!” he adds urgently.

I nod decisively. Chances are his powers will remain now that he has them, and if not, then I will just have to deal with that.

“Aefre!” CK bellows even louder. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing. Go away!” I bellow back.

Devon rolls his eyes at me. “Seriously? You expect that to work?”

“No,” I say with a laugh. “Here, let me.” I pull his hand down and replace his barrier with one of my own. It zings across the door and I can hear CK growling outside, but at least his incessant thumping has stopped now that he can’t touch the wood without losing a finger or two.

“Aefre!” he shouts, followed by something that sounds like a kick to the wall.

“Just give me a minute,” I call to him, knowing my husband wants in and in he will get, sooner rather than later.

“No,” Devon says and my heart drops as he shakes his head. Has he changed his mind already? “Not a minute. I want this done properly.”

Again, I look at the door and then back at Devon. I Shift so that I look like Elizabeth and the look on his face is all the confirmation I need that he does want this.

“Take your clothes off,” he orders me huskily.

We both strip off until we are completely naked and his eyes rove over me. They pinch slightly at my bump, but no amount of Shifting will get that to go away. Not that I want it to, of course.

He crawls onto the bed and pulls me on top of him. He runs his hands over my breasts and down over my stomach. “You are so beautiful,” he murmurs, a look of awe crossing his face as the baby kicks him. “Is this okay?” he asks hesitantly.

“Yes,” I say with a smile. “As long as you want it?” I need to hear it again and there is no undoing this. Well…I suppose there is really.