“No, he died a human. He didn’t want me to turn him either.”

She nods sadly. “If I were you, I would leave well enough alone. You have your memories. Leave it be,” she says and orders the last three words.

I stare at her. Seems she does have something resembling compassion.

“How did you know he was still alive over here?”

“The Thirteen told me.”

“The Thirteen? What is he still doing around in 2013?” she asks incredulously.

“It is making a nuisance of itself. Himself?”

“How long exactly have you been Queen?” she asks me then.

“Err, eight months,” I say.

“Eight months? That is it? No wonder you are a weak-assed fool.”

“Hey!” I snap at her. I am all for self-deprecation, but this bitch doesn’t get to judge me.

She holds her hands up. “Okay, calm down. Just making an observation.”

“Have you already got rid of him?” I ask.

“Oh yes, I defeated him many centuries ago.” She dismisses it with a wave of her hand and a strange look on her face.

“Well, many centuries ago he was weaker than he is now. I know he has been feeding off every paranormal being to cross over,” I say trying to make her see that it’s not just me being weak but him being stronger, as well.

“Hm, yes you may have a point,” she admits ungracefully.

“How did you get rid of it...him?”

She hesitates and I wonder if she will tell me anything. “It was a trial, but my power was greater in the end,” she says eventually.

“A trial? That’s it? No words of wisdom or advice to pass down to your weaker self?” I snarl.

“I defeated him as he had nothing on me. He tried but failed. I know his game. What power does he hold over you?”

I blink at her. No power over her? Well, clearly not Fraser, but what about Lance? Is that what this is? Is he making a fool of me because I care enough to love or even be afraid of someone?

“What about Lance?” I ask instead of tell.

“Lance?” she scoffs. “What did he do to you?”

“What did he do to you?” I ask instead.

“Oh, many things,” she says with a glint in her eye. “We were a thing once, back in the day. Vicious creature. So much like me.”

My heart pounds. “You were involved with him?”

“Oh, yes. For many years, until I grew bored and killed him. You weren’t? I am still finding it difficult to keep up with our differences.”

“He took me and tortured me for a dozen years,” I choke out. “You loved him?”

“Hm, I suppose. He tortured you? What did you do to get a bug up his ass?”

“Nothing, except exist.”