“Of course, I do. I love them all. They are just boring. I am way past this place. Being transported to your world has made me realize that there is more out there to challenge me. I didn’t think that there was any more.” She sounds almost sad. “You really should be a better Queen, you know.”

“How do you know what I am like or what my world is like?” I ask, somewhat offended.

“Oh, please, look at you,” she sneers. “You haven’t gripped your true potential. Not having Devon be the one definitely did not do you any favors.”

“How do you know he wasn’t?” I know I sound childish now, but she has me on the defensive.

“You aren’t married there,” she says as if that is the be-all and end-all. “And it is quite clear that you haven’t had your Powers very long. If you had, you would be more like me.”

Oh, Christ, I hope not.

“It is a shame that you had to wait so long. Had you become Queen in 1506 when you were still a proper Vampire you would be so much better at it.”

I tilt my head at her. “Proper Vampire?”

“You know, a predator. A hunter and killer.” She gestures with her hands to make her point. “You are just weak,” she adds.

Humph! Now she is seriously starting to piss me off.

“Where is Fraser?” I snap at her.

I catch her off guard momentarily, before she assumes what seems to be her usual sneer, “Fraser? What do you want with him?”

“He is here?” I ask, trying for casual, but probably not pulling it off.

“Well, he isn’t here. Why are you here, in Toronto?” She is suspicious now.

“I came from Toronto. Where is Fraser?” I ask again.

“Why do you want to know?” she asks slyly.

“I want to see him.”


“I just fucking do, so tell me where he is!” I yell at her and she laughs, perfectly in control of her emotions as I go off on one.

“Don’t like yours? Thought mine might be more suitable?”

I go for the truth, maybe she still has some heart left under than teeny tiny red leather belt she is using as a top. “I don’t have him anymore,” I admit.

“You don’t have him? You mean he is dead? How did that happen?”

“Long story I would rather not recount if you don’t mind. Please. I just want to see him.”

“Hm, well in the spirit of sisterhood I will let you see him. Can’t say that he will be what you are looking for, though.” She frowns and my stomach drops. “He isn’t altogether very nice.”

Oh crap. That coming from her makes me want to be sick. CK was right, maybe I shouldn’t have done this. “How so?” I choke out.

“He is mean and cruel. If I didn’t love him so, I would have put him down years ago.”

Tears prick my eyes, but I blink them back, turning from her.

“He was a mistake,” she says quietly. “He didn’t want me to turn him

and I shouldn’t have. I just wanted him to be with me forever.” I turn back to her, mouth agape at her soft tone.

“Did you turn yours?” she asks with genuine interest.