“Well,” CK says clearing his throat, “she said no. That you spell the girl not to bite you.”

“Oh.” He looks disappointed. “That’s upsetting. Why would I marry her then?”

“I have no idea, ‘Bastian,” CK snaps at him. “The point is, she said that why couldn’t we trust her as she is so close. She has a point. She wouldn’t dare betray us.”

“No, we tried that before. You sired someone specifically and she betrayed us. I have even sired someone, and she betrayed us. We can’t trust anyone but her.”

Come again, now? They sired specifically for the purpose? And wait now, that raises the interesting question of Sebastian siring at all. They have gone to extensive lengths to keep this a secret. I thought I understood before, but maybe I don’t really understand the power that he has.

“I’m not so sure,” CK says. “It is worth thinking about.”

“Maybe,” Sebastian says uncertainly. “I like her. She is fun and clever. I would hate to have to kill her if it didn’t work out. Plus, not so sure that would go down well with her sire, who happens to be her charge, who happens to be your charge.”

Okay, something has struck me odd about thi

s conversation that I am eavesdropping on. Am I eavesdropping? I am unclear on where I am in the room, just that I can see and hear everything and yet they can’t see me…

Anyway, back to what is odd… they are definitely talking about me, but they don’t call me by name. It’s weird.

Oh, and don’t think that I have missed the fact that they seem to be plotting against me to get me away from Cole. I am so stupefied by that, I haven’t quite processed it yet. There will be words and plenty of them when I have wrapped by brain around it.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Technicalities. And speaking of her charge, have you…spoken to him again?”

“I have,” Sebastian says. “But it’ll take time. She will know something is up even if it happens slowly.”

“I know,” CK says grimly. “That is why I’m trying to help it along naturally with her knowledge. I need that boy focused on his charge, and not mine, for fuck’s sake.”

Sebastian sighs. “It’s all fucking ridiculous. I’m getting tired of it.”

“So am I,” CK agrees. “But, that aside, I have given you something to think about and now you will do what I have asked you to do. Get her away from her husband as soon as possible.”

“I thought you said go easy on her?” Sebastian asks, concerned now.

“Screw that. Like you said, a few dizzy spells aren’t going to kill her.”

I awake with a start. My head is pounding, and my mouth is dry. “You see, Aefre. I have been trying to show you what our sire is really like,” says a voice in my head, Lance’s voice, but he isn’t here. I reach for the water, scanning the room again in case he is lurking in the shadows. I don’t see anything. Wait? What was I looking for?

Ergh. Why is my head aching so much? I glance at Cole who is still fast asleep and then at the clock. It’s only midnight. Did I have another dream? I don’t remember it, so I suppose not. I creep out of bed and go to get some blood. It eases the pain in my head instantly and I feel tons better. I make my way back to the bedroom and decide it is time for Cole to wake up. I carefully climb back onto the bed and pull the sheets down; he stirs but doesn’t wake. I grin mischievously to myself as I cup his balls in my hand and gently massage them, flicking my fingers over his cock to bring him to attention. He wiggles and I plunge my mouth over him, sucking him until he is rock hard and moaning in his sleep.

He pushes his hand into my hair and moans, “Oh, Dawn.” I pull back like I have been slapped. He sits upright suddenly, blinking at me as I yell, “Dawn?” in his face and he says, “What?”

I gaze furiously at him as I say, “I was sucking you off and you called me Dawn! I have no problem if you are fucking her but at least have the decency to get our names straight.”

“What?” he asks again in a daze. “I called you Dawn?” he says in horror as he finally comes to enough for that to sink in. “No, no baby. I’m not fucking her, I swear. I don’t know why I said that. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” he says desperately, and I frown at him. He sounds so sincere I can tell he isn’t lying to me.

“Were you dreaming of her?” I ask.

“Maybe, I don’t remember,” he says, looking away. Oh, I see, he was dreaming about her.

“Cole,” I say sternly. “You don’t need to lie to me.”

“All right, yes,” he snaps at me. “I was dreaming about her. Happy?” He pulls the sheets up over himself and flops back down.

I stifle a small smile and crawl over him.

“Tell me about it,” I say slyly.

He glares at me. “It’s not like that. It’s all your fault,” he grumps.