“I had to. She pushed me so far into a corner with her questions, I had no choice. She knows, of course, about Vivienne though. That you spell her.”

“I’m sure she must have wondered why I don’t do that with everyone.”

“She did. I explained it to her in terms she understood.”

“Oh. Well, thank you for trying. I guess I will just have to wait then.”

“There is another option,” CK says casually.

Sebastian looks up at that. “What?”

“She mentioned something about the future that she learned that was…interesting.”

“The future? No, you can’t tell me anything about the future. It could change everything.”

“So could this information, for you, now.”

“What if you tell me and it fucks things up for you and her?”

“It won’t. I won’t let it. I can assure you.”

“Tell me then.” He sits forward.

“Tell me first when you plan on spelling her again. It has been a couple of days.”

“I don’t know. I told you, when the time is right.”

“I was prepared to wait a few months, but now, having seen us together in the future happy, and she is finally accepting now about the baby, I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to.”

“Baby? What baby?” Sebastian asks in suspicion.

“Our baby,” CK says with a small smile. “We are in the process of…how did she put it…oh yes…bringing me up to scratch,” he snorts to himself, “…to father a child with her.”

“What?” Sebastian shouts jumping up off the sofa. “What? How is that even possible?”

“Nothing you need concern yourself with. But you see how pressing this is. I need her free to be with me. I plan on changing the future myself, my boy, so what I have to tell you shouldn’t make much difference.”

“Fine, I will spell her again tomorrow.”

“Good. I am sure I don’t have to tell you that what I have just told you stays between us?”

“Of course. Christ. I never, ever thought I would see this side of you. Marriage was enough to floor me but then you give her half of your estate and now you are talking about babies. Fuck me,” he says, rubbing his hand over his face.

“I love her. We have, in her words, arsed about for too long now. It’s ridiculous. She is mine and I will make her so as soon as possible. I thought letting her know I was going to fight for her would sway her somewhat, but I underestimated her love for him. So, I will fight dirty, and you are my secret weapon.” He turns to Sebastian with a winning smile that makes Sebastian glow.

“I still think you should do this yourself, but I won’t let you down,” he says quietly.

“I know you won’t.”

“Now tell me, about my other option,” he says eagerly now that he isn’t bothered about messing with the future.

“The girl, Jess,” CK says.

“Jess? What has she got to do with anything?” he asks, confused.

“She mentioned that you and Jess are married in the future.” CK drops that bombshell casually.

“What?” Sebastian says again. “Married? So, she knows? She knows about me?”