“You will be his or her father,” I say.

“But she won’t be like me. Not any part of me.”

“That is where your original plan comes into play,” I say, playing with his hair. I do love this uncertain side of him. Not the wholly vulnerable side. That unnerves me but this, oh this is very, very sexy.

“No. I have changed my mind about that. I don’t want that for her,” he says forcefully.

“What?” I say, now confused myself.

“When it was just a child that we raised together that was very much my wish, to turn her. Together. Not now.”

“Why not?”

“She will be ours. Ours, Aefre. Our flesh and blood. I want us to be her parents not her sires.”

Yes, I understand that. I don’t want that either. “We will have to find someone close then to do it.”

“Pfffft. Not likely. You think I am letting any boy near her, to do what we just did? You are sorely mistaken if that is your plan.” I do laugh out loud at him now, for a very, very long time. Hypocrite!

He takes my laughter with good grace and is pleased when I say, “It’s hilarious to hear you say that but, I have to agree. I will stake any Vampire myself who dares come near her, or him, with their fangs or any other parts.”


??Oh, to hear you say that warms my heart, my sweet. So, what do we do?”

“Raise her as a Dragon,” I say simply, knowing I have used just “her” for the first time.

“I don’t like that either,” he grumps.

“Well, we don’t really have much choice.”

“We always have a choice, my love. I say we hold off on any decisions and see first what she comes out as.”

“What she comes out as?” I choke back my indignation. “She isn’t a fucking recipe that we will throw together and chuck in the oven.”

“You know what I mean,” he says, abashed. “We can’t say for certain.”

I glare at him and he smiles winningly at me. “I love talking about this with you.”

He wins me over as, I must admit, I am getting quite excited about it myself. Although, I will never admit to him, or Cole, or anyone else for that matter.

I disappoint him though as I crawl out from under him and pull on my robe. “I need to read these now,” I say, picking up the papers Cade left. “I’m going to get a coffee and sit in the library for a bit.”

“I’ll come with you,” he says instantly.

“No, baby. Please. I need a few minutes to myself to concentrate.” At his upset look, I add quietly, “You know I can’t when you are around me.” He brightens considerably as I kiss him and make my way barefoot downstairs to the kitchens for a cup of badly needed coffee.

Chapter 13

I enter the kitchens and my heart stops as I see the door to the dungeon. I walk over slowly, placing the papers down on the big wooden table as I pass. I reach the door and hesitantly place my hand on it. No wards this time as there is no reason. Tears spring to my eyes and I can’t believe that only a couple of short weeks have gone since I killed him.

“Morning, Mrs. O’Dell,” Marguerite says, making me jump.

I turn and clear my throat. “Hello, Marguerite. Call me Liv, remember. It’s nice to see you again.”

“And you. It has been a while. I’m glad you are back.”

I smile at her and, casting one last glance at the door, I move away.