“Obviously. Here. The three of us have been working tirelessly all night while you two have been going at it. Everything we could find on your mystery nemesis.”

“We three?” I ask, taking the pages from him. There must be ten in total, all printed out neatly in a size ten font.

“Myself, Nico, and Serena,” he says.

I nod. “Very well. Thank you. I will read it immediately.”

He nods back and excuses himself with great relief. I frown and stare at the pages. CK is at my side in seconds grabbing it from me. He scans the pages – all ten of them – in less than a minute. Oh, did I mention Initial Vampires have the power to speed read?

“Well?” I ask, hands on hips.

“Nothing that can’t wait,” he says, flinging the document onto the bedside cabinet and dropping to his knees in front of me, undoing my robe in the process. I start to protest that it can’t wait, until he pushes his tongue against my clit, and I forget what I was going to say.

I lose my robe completely and push my hands into his hair. I clench my fists and pull him away, forcing him back and dropping straight down onto his huge cock.

“Oh, fuck, yes,” he murmurs as I move over him.

He grabs me and rolls us over, pushing me into the carpet as he pounds into me. While he may not have updated this room as much as the rest of the castle, I am at least grateful that he once carpeted the place. Those old stone floors were merciless in situations like these.

I roll us back over as I want control. He chuckles and lets me take him momentarily before he pushes us over again. Enjoying this game of dominance tag immensely, I again roll us over, so I am straddling him. He shakes his head at me and pushes us back over. “Mine,” he says before he clamps down on my lower lip. We are by now in a patch of sunlight over by the far window and as we realize this, he pulls back and picks me up in his arms and carries me to the bed. Throwing me down and flinging himself on me, he finishes us both off.

Panting, I stroke his head that is resting on my chest. “I love you, my darling,” I whisper.

He looks up at me then serious. “You haven’t called me that in centuries. You said it the other day in the bath.”

I blink at him, not knowing why I haven’t said it, not even realizing I hadn’t said it.

“Because of Devon,” he says. “I know you call him your Darling Boy. I heard you call him that last year.”

Really? I stopped using it because I made it a pet name for Dev? Ergh, pet. Let’s not use that term. Rather, an endearment then.

“Jealous?” I murmur, knowing I am likely signing my own death warrant.

“Very,” he says back with a quick nip to my nipple, which leads to him dropping his fangs and well…

After an intense orgasm, he laughs at me. “So easy,” he says again.

“Only for you,” I say again.

He trails little kisses down in between my breasts and down to my stomach. He pauses after he delves his tongue into my belly button.

“How is this going to work?” he asks then, uncertain and almost confused as he runs his fingers lightly over my stomach.

“How is what going to work?”

“The baby? When we have one, how is it going to work? I mean Vampires don’t grow or change or age? How is it going to work?”

I snort at him much to his annoyance and say, “Oh, my love, it won’t be a Vampire. It will be a Dragon.”

He looks thoroughly put out by that. “You mean it won’t be any part of me?”

“Of course, it will, you idiot. I won’t be making it by myself.”

“Explain,” he snaps at me, but I don’t take offense to his tone.

“As you said, Vampires don’t grow or change or age. A Vampire cannot be born. He or she will be a human-born Dragon. Like me.”

“Like you? What about me?” he sounds so sad; I almost want to laugh at him but don’t.