“There is nothing you can say that will convince me that she isn’t exactly like me,” Other Liv says as she pulls on her dress. “You will see, you will all see, her true colors one day. Maybe sooner than you think.”

She lets that sink in and even though he has no idea what she means, she looks far too confident of her words and it worries him. “I will come back, and you will see me. If you don’t,” she pauses with a look that tells him everything he needs to know.

He scoffs at her but knows she has him in a corner. “Blackmail? Classy,” he says and gets the satisfaction of seeing the rage on her face. “It’s interesting,” he says. “You pretend like you don’t care, that you have no feelings and yet…”

“I don’t care,” she says, stepping into her shoes, but he knows differently now. She does care what he thinks of her and that she has feelings of deep jealousy with regard to Liv.

“And your husband?” he asks. “Does he care that you come here to be with me?”

“What makes you think he even knows?” she asks with a hand on her hip.

“You came to me as Elizabeth, you are going back as Elizabeth, looking like a cheap whore with my scent all over you,” he says. He is provoking her, and it is starting to amuse him. “What do you tell him, when he goes down on you and he tastes me?”

He wants to laugh at her shocked face, because he would never have thought he could shock her. She is despicable and it now turns his stomach that his words are exactly the kind of things she would say. “You are such a tacky whore that you can’t even be bothered to hide it from him.”

“How dare you,” she hisses at him. “You know nothing about me or him.”

“I know that he must be a pathetic doormat with no self-respect to put up with you,” he replies, and she slaps him hard across the face. It snaps his head back and he rubs his cheek and laughs at her.

It incenses her further and she threatens him, “Watch your mouth, boy. Don’t think I hold any affection for you because of who you look like. You are nothing more to me than a fun bit on the side. The agony you feel over betraying your sire with me is a bonus entertainment. Your conflict about being with me amuses me, but I could walk away from you and never look back. You on the other hand will lose everything that I offer to you that she doesn’t.”

Her words hit him like a ton of bricks. She is absolutely right. He means as little to her as she does to him. Only she has something he wants, something that he needs to take his next breath. Something his true sire won’t give him. Elizabeth. Even if she does agree to a marriage with him, she will never Shift to Elizabeth for him full-time because of Cole. And Constantine. Even when he is buried deep inside her, if she is in her natural form, it isn’t the same. How can it be? He lowers his eyes in supplication and she preens. “That’s better,” she says. “I will overlook this little display and we will say no more on it. Be ready for me next time, I feel the need for you to be a bit more submissive with me.” She grabs him by his open shirt and kisses him. Everything he has just said to her, everything he feels about her, goes out of the window as she slips her tongue into his mouth. He lied before, she kisses exactly like his sire does and he loses himself in it.

Ninety minutes later, it’s not like he was counting, she leaves him slightly battered and bruised from her ‘punishment,’ and he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and lights up. He needs a shower and a drink and then he needs to go home and hide all of this from his sire. She would never understand. He doesn’t even understand, so how can he make her? He finishes his smoke quickly and stubs it out. He rushes to the shower, needing to wash her scent off him. It coats his skin like oil. He has never felt this dirty before, and he has been with some pretty bad skanks in his time. He lathers up and rinses off and steps out, only to get back in and do it all again. He needs that drink now and after he gets dried and dressed, he heads downstairs to the bar. It is late afternoon on a Sunday, and it is busy. He has no need to wait his turn though as the hot bartender goes to him immediately with her biggest smile and surreptitiously pulling her tight top a little lower to show off her big tits. He casts an admiring glance over her, and she brightens up even more. Not his type with her red hair and green eyes, but she’ll do.

“What can I get you?” she asks.

“Bourbon, neat,” he says and leans on the bar, flashing her a sexy smile.

She hurries off to get it and he makes a decision. He needs to do something fun. Something easy. He has had nothing but drama in his life since Liv met Cole. Everything just suddenly got so damn complicated. Everything had always come so easy to him. He drifted through life and his turning with the greatest of ease. He wanted something, he got it. Nothing was too insurmountable, and no woman was un-mountable. He was making a choice right here, right now to be fun again. He will screw this girl. He will go home and face his sire. He will not see Other Liv again and he is determined to speak to Lizzie about his need to be with her properly. He has been putting this off, even with the coma he should have spoken to her before about this and his feelings for Cole. He knows she will get it the bit about Cole and not be shocked or upset about it. He is sure she will convince Cole to let him, at least in part, act on it. Just one bite…

“Anything else?” the girl asks him, drawing his attention away from his erotic thoughts.

He leans forward and she copies his move. He whispers close to her lips, “Just you.”

And the rest is easy.

Ten minutes later, he is pounding her against the tile in a cubicle in the ladies room with his pants round his ankles.

Classy, no. Fun, most definitely.

He is enjoying this way more than he should be and so is she. She looks like a screamer, so he clamps his mouth over hers and pushes his tongue against hers as he feels her body about to come. She does seconds later, her cries muffled in his mouth. He grips her ass tighter, burying himself even deeper into her. He isn’t ready for this to end yet. He wants to hammer away at her until every last feeling of guilt and disgust that he has for himself washes away. She gasps as he continues his efforts and her eyes go glassy as she realizes he isn’t going anywhere yet. She moans and he kisses her again. A swirl of tongues that makes his heart beat faster. He starts to feel the tension of the past year and a half drain away into this girl. She is just a quick fuck that he will walk away from and never think about again. There is no obsession here. No feelings of any kind, negative or positive. It is just...easy. No drama, no history, no future. Just fun.

He speeds up and wants her to come again before he lets himself go. He owes her a good time because she has helped him clear the fog from his head. He supposes he should also hurry up and finish this now in case someone comes in and calls the cops. That would be a total downer. They finish within seconds of each other and she is shaky as he gently lets her go and her feet drop to the floor.

“Fuck,” she says breathlessly as she bends to pull her panties up and he retrieves his pants. “Fuck,” she says again with a smile. He gives her a self-satisfied smile and leans down to kiss her. He knows

what’s coming next when she asks, “Can I see you again? I’m off tomorrow.”

“Don’t live round here, baby,” he says. “Flying back later.”

“Where?” she asks with a pout.

“L.A.,” he lies easily. It’s just simpler if he pretends to live thousands of miles away. He doesn’t want to see her again and she shouldn’t want to see him.

“Oh,” she says, disappointed.

He turns to leave, and she says, “Well, if you are ever back in London, look me up.” She leans casually on the stall door and he smiles at her. She will be just fine.