Lincoln stops his next punch in mid-air as Cade speaks. “He needs to punish me for what I did. I need my penance. They need to do this, and I need to let them. Just go inside.”

They? Them? I turn in shock as CK and Cole have also appeared with nothing but exacting revenge on their minds.

“Go inside, Aefre,” CK says.

“No!” I shout at him. “You cannot do this. You cannot hurt him. You cannot beat him to death on my doorstep, I won’t allow it.”

“Near death,” Cade slurs around his thick, bleeding lip.

I stumble back as CK pulls me roughly away. Lincoln hits Cade again and he drops to the ground.

“No,” I whisper. “Don’t.” My plea falls on deaf ears as CK shoves me inside the house and slams the door in my face.

Chapter 13

London, England, September 2013 – Devon

He looks down into her perfect blue eyes, the color of sapphires, and he closes his. He can’t bear to look at her. He doesn’t know why he keeps doing this. He thrusts inside her one last time before he comes and then he rolls off her and sits up to pull his pants on.

“Oh no,” she says as she kneels behind him. “I am not finished with you yet.” She kisses his shoulder and he feels the pull of their weird bond. He wants to turn around and take her again, and then again, but he can’t.

“This is the last time,” he says to her. “I don’t want to see you again.” He has to mean it this time. Lizzie is back. Back from her trauma, back from her coma, back in the arms of her fucking sire. He has to step up, immediately now that she is back. And he knows he cannot do that while he is fucking about with this is whore.

She snakes her hand around his throat and says in his ear, “Aww, baby, you say that every time.”

“This time I mean it,” he says and tries to remove her hand. She is stronger than him and tightens her hold on him. “Other Liv,” he says through gritted teeth. “Get your hand off me.”

“Ah, ah, ah,” she says wickedly. “You know I hate it when you call me that,” she adds with a pout. “Say my name.”

“No,” he growls, and she squeezes even tighter. He is all for a bit of BDSM, but right now he wants to get out of here and take a shower. Or two. He loathes himself for being with his sire’s Other version. She is a vile creature and he hates her. But she gives him everything he wants, and he keeps coming back to her. He can’t resist her when she looks like Elizabeth and if he closes his eyes, he can pretend it is her. The real her. Just the two of them. Alone.

“Say it,” she says as she sidles around to sit on his lap, keeping her hold on him. “You know you want to. You know it would be so much better if you called me that.”

God help him, he wants to. But if he calls her “Elizabeth” he has well and truly Substituted his sire and she will kill him, unless he kills himself first. He never wanted this. He got lost after he heard about her rape. It tore him up. He was already in shreds over Jess and after he spoke to Cole and decided he was going all in with Lizzie, he was determined. But then this whore showed up on the night that Lizzie got back from the Fae Kingdoms and told them everything that had happened to her. It was the wrong time, the absolute wrong time, for her to come to him. He took her on the terrace where anyone could have seen them and now, he keeps going back. He is a weak-assed fool. He breathes in deeply, inhaling their delicious mingled scents and says, “Elizabeth, get your hand off me.”

“Better,” she says. “But try it with your eyes open.”

He does as she asks and the victory flashes in her eyes. He wants to stake her. He wants to watch the life drain out of those eyes before she turns to ash at his feet. She slams him back to the bed and straddles him. He wants to push her off, but his traitorous dick has other ideas. She slides onto him, her eyes fixed firmly on his. “Don’t,” she says as he starts to close his. “I want to see the pleasure in your eyes.”

She rides him slowly, her wet pussy enveloping him, taking all of him deep inside her. He grabs her hips and she puts her hands over his. He lets her do all the work. It is his only way of showing her that despite his rock-hard cock, he is unwilling. He feels her clench around him, and he can’t help but let go himself. She feels exactly like his sire does. He disgusts himself. He knows what he is doing is sick. Worse even than what Constantine did. At least he never found an alternate universe version to fuck, but in that moment, he doesn’t care. This is a fantasy, a game. That is all it is. He flips her over onto her back and drives into her. His thoughts clear for the first time this afternoon, that he is fucking exactly who he is fucking. It is Other Liv and he slams into her, pounding her into the mattress with all the force he can. He wants this with her, needs it so he can walk away. Her orgasm rips through her as she arches her back, pushing her tits into his face, but he is intent on his task. He is going to finish this once and for all.

“It. Isn’t. Pleasure,” he pants. “This that you see is desperation.” He forces her hands under his, pinning her to the bed as he looks, for the first time, deep into her eyes as he comes. She looks shocked for a moment at his actions but resumes her self-control quickly.

“It’s pleasure,” she says.

He shakes his head. “No. Now get out and don’t come back.” He gets off her and this time he stands and pulls his pants on.

She lounges on the bed, watching him get dressed. “I will be back, and you will come to me,” she says eventually. “You can’t resist me.”

“No, I can’t resist her. You just happen to look exactly like her,” he remarks, and the anger flares up in her eyes. He pushes it even further and adds, “You are nothing but a Substitute sire for me. There is nothing of substance about this, you are just a place to shove my cock into that looks exactly like the woman of my dreams.” He throws her dress at her. “Now get out.”

The anger is replaced with something he has never seen on h

er face before. Hurt. She masks it quickly, but he saw it and he is glad. He is glad that he hurt her, and he wants to do it again. “You are nothing but a pale imitation of my sire. There is nothing similar about you, she kisses better than you do, she fucks better than you do, and she…”

He doesn’t get out his parting shot as she has flown out of bed and slammed him against the far wall. It hurt like a bitch but was worth every broken bone and the hefty security deposit he will have to pay the hotel for the damage caused. He shakes it off as he stands, cracking his neck as he heals. He smirks at her and says, “Hit a nerve?”

He feels the roll of Power go off her and he hopes that she beats him black and blue. He deserves it and more for betraying his precious Lizzie in this way. He is defiling her and their memories and their time together. He can’t even look at her now without thinking of what he is doing to her. He disgusts himself and he knows it shows plain as day on his face.