Sitting grimly in the tiny back of this fancy sports car, having been put here because I’m the smallest of our little band of merry men, I hunch my shoulders.
“You can’t shoot him,” I point out in the tense silence. “Not in there.”
“I don’t plan on shooting him,” Declan says brusquely, which shuts me up.
I’m not asking what the assassin; the killer has in mind for our fat friend. I never thought I would get this involved in Ruby’s underworld affairs. Part of me wishes I hadn’t, but I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I will jump in front of a bullet for that woman, I always would’ve, but it doesn’t mean that I want to. I’d much rather have her safe and sound than be going on this mission to rescue her. Well, scrap that. I have no doubt she knows exactly what she’s doing. She always does. I can see why Declan is so fraught, even though he is trying to hide it. He is paid to protect her, and from what I hear, he has done that. But it doesn’t mean that she needs him.
“There’s a roadblock up ahead,” I mutter instead, “and then you’re going round the one-way system the wrong way. We might need to circumvent the city and come in on the other side. It’ll be quicker.”
“On it,” Ramsey says and makes a turn that takes us out of the city center.
“Won’t we come across a checkpoint on the other side of town?” Declan asks.
“Not if you cut through where I tell you to,” I say. I know this city like the back of my hand. I know all the nooks and crannies and alleyways and side streets.
“Tell me when,” Ramsey says.
I nod, even though he can’t see me. “So what do we think Layton is up to?” I ask, just for something to say. We’ve already established, we have no idea.
“Who knows,” Declan growls. “But he should be here.”
“He would be if he could,” Ramsey says, defending his mate.
As if on cue, Ramsey’s phone rings and he digs in his pocket to pull it out, and then he responsibly hands it to me to answer.
“It’s Layton,” I inform them. “His ears must’ve been burning.”
“Or he’s finally got my text,” Ramsey says. “Answer it, for fuck’s sake.”
“Layton, this is David,” I say into the phone. “I’m putting you on speaker with Ramsey and Declan here as well.”
“Fine,” he growls and waits. I think his natural voice tone is a growl. He’s like a big bear. A big, attractive bear.
“Where are you?” Ramsey asks a second later.
“On my way to Scotland,” he replies. “What the fuck has Ruby gotten herself into?”
“Who knows?” I reply glibly, even though this situation is anything but fluffy. “You coming back, or what?”
“Can’t right now. I have something I need to take care of. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Can you handle this without me?”
“I think we’re covered,” Declan replies with a tinge of sarcasm in his sexy accent.
“Don’t let her get hurt,” Layton says quietly.
“Layton? Who’re you talking to?”
A woman’s voice comes clearly over the line. The three of us go silent. Declan and I exchange a glance.
“That is not what you think,” Layton growls. I wonder briefly if I accidentally put us on a video call. “She’s my sister,” he adds in a low tone.
“Oh,” I mutter, feeling like a douche canoe for doubting him. Declan has no such issues though, and snaps, “Whatever you are doing with her, finish it and get your arse back here.” He then takes the phone from me and hangs it up furiously.
“Don’t you miss flip phones,” I say with a dramatic sigh. “Nothing like a fierce snap to appease the phone rage.”