He laughs loudly. “You are priceless, my queen,” he says and kisses my hand. “I accept all of your terms and you will not hear a peep out of me about Layton. I promise.”

“One more thing,” I say before he decides to seal this with a kiss to my lips. “About you working for me. It isn’t just about if things go wrong. I need you to trust me to know what I’m doing. You don’t interfere with my decisions based on worry that it’s too dangerous and you don’t jump into the line of fire to save me. I can take care of myself and if it all goes sideways, Declan has my back. You are not my personal security. Are we absolutely clear about this, Ramsey? It is one-hundred percent a deal breaker and if you cross over this line, it’s the end of us.”

His jaw clenches. “I won’t apologize for wanting to keep you safe,” he says. “I’m not a wilting flower. I know how to fight and I’m not afraid to jump into the middle of a dangerous situation. Hell, it’s my fucking job.”

“I know that, but this is different. The players are not your average joe who comes into the club for drinks after working in the city in his three-piece suit. They are dangerous and they won’t hesitate to kill you. Agree to this or I walk away.”

I can see it is going against everything he believes in but if he doesn’t do this, then I’m out. I can’t be worrying about him. That’s the whole goddamn reason I don’t get involved with anyone.

I am seconds from backing out of this, knowing it was a huge mistake, when he says, “Fine. You win. I won’t be the hero, but know that it will be killing me if I have to stand on the sidelines.”

“I respect that and thank you.”

He stoops down from over a foot taller and presses his lips to mine softly. “I look forward to where this is going to lead, Ruby Bellingham.”

“Same,” I murmur and then look over to the open door where there is a soft knock. Declan is standing there, leaning against the door jamb casually.

“You trust me to have your back, Princess?” he asks, a smile playing on his lips.

“Lurk much?” I snap at him. “And stop calling me that.”

“No, I don’t think I will, Princess. You will come around. I have seen that with my own two eyes this morning.” With that, he stalks off, leaving me reeling. Just great, his spying on me has trussed me up like a Christmas turkey. He sees now I will bend in my resolve. Damn him.

Damn him and the horse he rode in on.