It was heart-warming to see my son run up to Damon and give him a big hug and kiss. Damon looked back at me as they hugged and winked.

“You take good care of your mom, okay?” Damon asked Jeremy as he rustled the latter’s hair. “You’re the man in the house while I’m gone.”

Jeremy nodded and gave a thumbs-up, “I got it, dad! Good luck with your games! We’ll always watch!”

Hearing Jeremy call Damon his dad made me smile. I thought this day would never come. For years Jeremy only knew that his father was famous – I never told him his dad was an NFL star – but now that he knew who he was it just felt like a natural fit.

After they said their goodbyes Damon came over to me and gave me one last kiss.

“I love you,” he whispered into my ear. “I’ll be back, don’t worry. I’m never going to leave you out in the dust ever again.”

“I know,” I answered as I rubbed my face against his neck. “I love you too. Have fun out there.”

After one last hug, he departed. This time however, he left with us knowing that he would come back. He left with the promise that we’d all be together when the NFL season was over. After five years, everything had come together and it wouldn’t have been possible if he didn’t stand in front of me at the food table during that one graduation night. It was funny how things changed and how they all worked out in the end.



Five years ago I was just another idiot trying to make my name by being the brightest in school and the best on the football field. I didn’t want to leech off the millions of dollars that my parents earned – I wanted to earn my own legacy.

All of that could have ended early due to a dumb idea I had during my graduation night – I got drunk and had a one-night stand with my best friend’s sister. I didn’t think much about that night afterwards and moved on with my life.

I became the best rookie in the NFL and it didn’t take long for me to become a billionaire in my own right. However, ever-so-slowly the memories of my night with Emilia crept on me and before long I kept on reminiscing of the time I had with her.

What I wasn’t aware of was that she was reminded of me every single day because she bore my son. Our one night together bore fruit and she raised Jeremy to the best of her capabilities even though she was a busy businesswoman in Europe.

Jackson and Amy’s engagement and subsequent wedding was what brought us back together. I got to meet her again, get to know her – truly, this time – and now I had my son as well. It was all a dream come true.

Ever since we all moved in I began my NFL training for my sixth year in the league, taking a vacation only once to attend Jackson and Amy’s wedding. During the reception I proposed to Emilia and she gladly accepted. It was one of the main highlights of the night… well, at least for me.

We didn’t have the wedding immediately, however. I had to push it back a few months until after the NFL season. The season was one of my bests although this time we didn’t win the Super Bowl. Despite that the media and the public still labeled me as one of the best players of the year and this was cemented when I got the MVP award yet again.

Still, it was a triumph for me and for Emilia. We eventually did get married and we had our reception at one of her newer hotel branches – which was luckily so close to Mercury Wild. Now Trevor’s place had more customers coming in and Emilia’s hotel and more rich and famous patrons as well.

Our wedding wasn’t grandiose but it was what we wanted. It was intimate, it was romantic and it was just us with our close family and friends. Trevor and Jasmine Wild even sponsored our reception party.

Jeremy was now legitimately my son. He now bore my name and we had a DNA testing done too to further legitimize his claim. The little kid was excited about it instead of getting scared about having his blood drawn. It was genuinely adorable to witness.

My life had finally found meaning. I had the girl I always wanted, the son I needed to catch up with and the career that was shining as brightly as ever.

Holding Emilia in my arms, this was what I lived for. I loved her and she loved me too.

- End -

The Billionaire’s Deal

Mercury Billionaires Book 6

Book Description

I never let emotion get in the way of a good deal...until I meet her.

I’m about to close the biggest deal in my life.

The documents are signed. The price is set.

The only problem?