“Wow,” Jeremy exclaimed with his eyes wide. “That’s so cool! Come on, mom, let’s go with him and get some autographs!”

I looked at Emilia and she simply smiled back at me and nodded. With Jeremy up in my arm I took Emilia by the hand and we strode back into the building. As we walked in almost everyone we passed by looked at us and the paparazzi didn’t waste time taking photos and asking if Emilia was my wife and if Jeremy was my son. I didn’t care to answer any of the questions and simply said “all will be revealed in due time.”

Of course, Emilia tried to dodge the media as well and Jeremy was just enamored at all the attention we were getting. It took a while until we got back in the safety of my team’s private rooms and there I got to introduce Emilia to my agent, Johnson.

When Johnson learned about my history with her and how Jeremy was, indeed, my son he completely accepted it. I expected him to lose his mind but Johnson told me that we could turn this into a positive story for the media.

“Today’s most popular NFL star reunites with kid and old flame,” Johnson said. “It’s the perfect story to celebrate your triumph here.”

That was also when Jeremy himself found out. I was worried he wouldn’t understand but the kid was so smart he immediately started jumping up and down in joy.

“Does this mean I can call you daddy now?” Jeremy asked me. He then turned to Emilia.

“Of course, sweetie,” Emilia answered and she gave me a hug. “I did tell you before your dad’s a big star.”

Jeremy’s face immediately lit up and I gave him the biggest hug I ever did since I met him. Even though we hadn’t spent years together I didn’t feel one bit awkward about it and in fact, it made me feel like a true father.

“Ready to be a father?” Emilia asked me, just as Jeremy started running to the other football players to get their autographs on his shirt and hat.

I took her by the hand, pulled her in close and gave her a short but passionate kiss on the lips. When our lips did part I answered, “I’m more than ready but only if you become my wife.”

Emilia smiled and she gave a kiss back, “I do. Damn it, Damon, I’ve only been waiting for you to ask me that question for five years, of course I’m going to fucking say yes.”

“I love it when you say ‘fuck’ like that,” I whispered into her ear. “It turns me on.”

She winked back at me and told me, “Oh, baby, just wait for what I got in store for you back home.”

I felt my blood rush and my cock harden. I was excited. I was in love. I had everything right here – victory in my career, the girl of my dreams and a family I could call my own. Life was actually working out for me.



When we finally flew home it was as a family. I had never seen Jeremy stick to someone other than myself the way he did with Damon. That was a good sign – he was already getting attached to his real father and that was important.

Announcing our relationship and Damon’s paternity to my son did become a big deal. Jackson and Amy were excited and happy about it, our friends at Mercury Wild and everyone at Damon’s NFL team were happy about it but the media and the public were not. It took a few days to twist the story in a positive light but just as Johnson said, everyone would look at it as a redemption story and a reunion story and that became the centerpiece of making this look positive for the public.

It was a week and a half before everything settled down a bit and things became “normal.” Jeremy and I moved out of our small home. Jackson invited me to live with him and Amy but I preferred to stay with Damon. He did offer his condominium but promised that now he was earning billions more with his new contracts and endorsements we might be moving again into a full-blown manor.

A few days prior to Jackson and Amy’s wedding I had them pick up Jeremy to go out camping. While I would have loved to go with them I decided to stay home and spend one more day with Damon – he was off to begin training for the next NFL season and I wanted to be there before he left.

So there I was, in the kitchen making pancakes, when Damon came walking in with nothing but his boxers on. That sight quickly turned me on and I turned around to greet him with a kiss. It was tempting to remove my shirt and shorts but I held back, hoping he’d be the one to initiate some fun.

“Mmm, you’re extra delicious today, handsome,” I told him after we kissed. He wrapped me in his embrace and I giggled with glee. It was just all a dream-come-true to be here.

He laughed and caressed my face with the back of his hand, “Not as delicious as you are. Where’s Jeremy?”

“Oh, Jackson and Amy took him out camping,” I answered and I playfully leaned in to nip at his lips. I licked him too and he responded with a nibble on my neck that made me coo and moan.

“That’s too sad, I’m l

eaving tomorrow,” he pointed out. “It would’ve been nice to spend some time with him before I go for training camp.”

I smirked and he knew exactly what I intended. Needless to say, we spent the rest of the day and the night that followed fucking like rabbits. I was addicted to him and he was to me. For the first time in my life, I had everything I ever wanted and it was right here in our home: our kid, the man of my dreams and we both had the careers we desired. Damon being a popular sports athlete and billionaire was just an add-on bonus, the icing on the cake.

By the next morning he had to go and fortunately for us, both Jackson and Amy arrived to bring Jeremy back home. He got to bid his father goodbye just in time. We watched as Damon drove off along with the rest of his management team as they made way to the NFL training center.

“Make sure you kiss your father goodbye,” I told Jeremy that morning.