Page 116 of How Much I Want

“Wait for me.” He gets out of the car and comes around to the passenger side. When he holds out his arms to me, I go to him, wrapping myself around him as he kisses me. “Ah, I needed that,” he says a few minutes later.

“So did I.” I kiss him again because I can, anytime I want. I’m never afraid to touch him or kiss him or playfully punch him, tell him to shut up when he’s being outrageous or anything else that comes to mind. Everything about being with him is so much better than what I’ve experienced in the past. He’s made me see my standards were set far too low.

“Let’s go in before my family catches us making out in the driveway,” he says before stealing one more kiss.

“Would they be surprised?”

“I doubt it.”


The first thing we hear when we walk into Maria’s house is the screaming laughter of Mateo and Austin’s daughter, Everly, as they run through the huge house chasing each other. The two of them love to play together. I’m glad that Everly doesn’t seem to see that Mateo struggles to keep up with her, even though he’s two years older. Maybe that’s because she’s had her own health struggles, even if she probably doesn’t remember them.

“They’re so cute together,” Austin says. “Can you have a beer, Nico?”

“I’m not driving for hours, so I can have one, and yes, the two of them are adorable.”

“So are you and Sofia.”

I glance at the man who will become my brother-in-law later this year. When I first heard Maria was seeing the star pitcher, I expected a head case. He’s not that at all. “Thanks.”

“You seem like a man who’s in it to win it.”

“I am. I love them both.”

“I haven’t known you long, but I understand that’s a considerable change in your normal routine.”

“Don’t believe everything you hear.”

“I believe every word of it,” Austin says, laughing.

“Shut the fuck up.”

That only makes him laugh harder, right as Mateo trips and falls on the tile floor.

I’m moving toward him before he crashes down, putting my beer on a table as I go. “You’re all right, pal.” I squat, bring him into my arms and hold him as he howls. I suspect he’s embarrassed more than hurt. “You’re fine.”

Everly comes over and kneels next to us. “You’re okay, Mateo.” The adorable little girl runs her hand over his hair, I suspect the way Maria and Austin do when she gets hurt. “Let’s ask if we can swim!”

Mateo perks up when she says that.

“Go ahead and get changed. I’ll watch you guys.” I help Mateo up and hold him for a second until he gets his bearings and runs off with Everly.

I get up off the floor, and Austin hands me my beer. “Good instincts. You were right there when you saw him fall. In my experience, that’s either built in or it isn’t.”

I glance at him. “Are you still busting my balls?”

He grins. “Not this time. You did good.”

“What happened?” Sofia asks when she comes from the kitchen with Maria.

“Mateo took a tumble, but Nico handled it like a pro.” Austin puts his arm around Maria and kisses her cheek. “How are things in the kitchen?”

“Just about ready, thanks to some excellent help from my sister and your parents.”

“They’re the best.”

“Yes, they are.”