Page 115 of How Much I Want

I’ve got it, my dad replies. Send me his full name and birthdate.

“He says he’s got it and asked for your full name and birthdate.”

Nico gives me the info, and I pass it on to my dad.

“Your dad sounds like a good guy.” Dee reaches forward to squeeze my shoulder. “I’m so happy for you, Sofia.”

“Thank you. I still can’t believe all this.”

“It’s very exciting.”

“We’re going on an airplane!” Mateo adds.

“That’s all he cares about. The grandfather, aunts and uncles are secondary.”

“He’ll be glad to meet them when you get there,” Dee says.

We’re almost to Maria’s house when my dad texts again asking for an email address to send the tickets to. I give him my Gmail account.

Who should I list in case of an emergency? Probably shouldn’t be me since I don’t know any of your other people.

When I voice the question to Nico and Dee, she says, “Put me down.” She recites her phone number, which I pass along to my dad, telling him she’s Nico’s sister.

Got it, thanks. Watch for the tickets coming to your email. Can’t wait to see you on Friday!

Same. I can’t believe this is happening. Thank you for the tickets.

Least I could do. I’ll pick you up in Minneapolis. Send me a picture of you guys so I have it, and here’s mine.

I send him a recent picture of us and then look at the message he sent. I’ll never forget the first time I see his face. I stare at it for so long, I don’t even realize that Nico has pulled the truck into Maria’s driveway or that they’re waiting for me. “This is my dad.” I show them the picture.

“You look like him,” Dee says.

“I thought so, too, but I wasn’t sure if I was seeing what I wanted to see.” Although I have my mother’s dark hair and light brown skin, the shape of my face and eyes are all him. “I’ve always wondered who I looked like.”

“Now you know,” Nico says.

“Mateo, let’s go check out Maria’s pool, okay?” Dee says.


She releases him from his booster seat, grabs the bag I packed for him before we left Nico’s and takes him by the hand to lead him inside. I appreciate her giving me a minute to get myself together.

“This is so exciting,” Nico says. “It’s so cool to see you happy like this.”

“For the longest time, nothing good ever happened in my life, and now I feel like there’s something new every day. Well, except for Milo getting shot, that is.”

“No one deserves good things more than you do.”

“We all deserve it.”

“I guess so, but some of us deserve it more, and you’re the one who does. You’ve raised such a great kid almost completely on your own and put up with so much crap from your ex for years. You’ve seen Mateo through a terrifying illness and are helping him recover. You’re a good, hardworking, honest, loving person, Sofia, and good things should happen to good people like you.”

“Thank you for that and for coming with me to Minnesota. I know it’s a lot to ask with everything else you’ve got going on and with Milo…”

“He’d want me to go with you guys.” He reaches over to caress my face. “I’m glad I don’t have to miss you for four days.”

“I am, too.”