Page 118 of One Wish

It’s definitely something.

Eli and I stare for a few moments like we’re both waiting on the other to say something. I’m still kind of shocked that he’s even here.

He should be here!My head screams. He’s here for you!

Shocked at my own voice, my mouth parts a little, my head getting fuzzier by the second.

“Well, I better get going. It was lovely seeing you again, Audrey. I hope to see you again real soon.”

I simply nod my head, unable to speak as he places a twenty-dollar bill on the counter and turns to leave. It’s only when he’s outside and I’m watching him still that I realize a tear is falling down my cheek.

Why am I crying?

Eli hesitates at the window, his back to me at first like he’s debating something. At his feet is a little furry white dog, yapping and jumping up as Eli retrieves his leash from the hook outside. He bends down, giving him a little stroke, and my mouth parts as a vision of this same dog licking my face enters my head.

Little scamp.

As if things couldn’t get any weirder, my breath hitches when Eli turns around, smiles, and then blows hot air onto the window. I tilt my head as I try to figure out what it is he’s drawing when I realize it’s a butterfly. When he blows me a kiss and walks off it’s like my world comes crashing down at me at once.


So many memories of Eli and me.

Eli and I at the fair.

Eli and I holding hands.

Eli and I at the butterfly park where in that moment, I realized I was in love with him.

Eli and I holding onto one another like we’d somehow lose each other.

And we did lose each other.

We lost each other when I woke up, and again, couldn’t remember anything.

“I remember,” I whisper, my mouth opening with a gasp. “Holy shit!”

“Did he forget his triple venti?” Victoria asks from behind me, but I don’t answer. I’m too busy throwing off my apron and running around the counter.

“I remember!” I scream, pointing at Trent, knowing that he knows.

“Thank God!” he bellows, throwing his hands in the air.

“What in the hell is going on?” Victoria cries out, probably thinking we’ve both gone crazy.

I don’t answer. Instead, I race towards the door and the only thing I hear is the sound of Trent’s voice behind me.

“Follow me, red-head. You’re gonna want to see this.”

Heart pounding, I flit my head to the right trying to find Eli, my heart sinking when I don’t see him. I then flit my head to left and watch as his frame gets smaller as he walks down the road with my little scamp happily trotting beside him.

“Eli!” I scream, gaining the attention of just about everyone on the street.

I so don’t care.

“Eli!” I scream again as I race on after him, knowing full well I have an excitable Trent and Victoria on my tail, leaving the shop completely unattended.

I so don’t care.