Page 117 of One Wish

“Ah, here he is,” Jack trills. “You’re right, the coffee’s great, my man. You should also try her mac and cheese. I think you’ll love it.”

Eli’s eyes never waver from mine. “You make mac and cheese now?” Eli questions, my brain completely devoid of words.

“I… I…”

Say something, godammit!

“How are you feeling now… after the accident?”

I’m still rooted to the spot like he’s some sort of mirage. Is he really here? I mean, I know he told my mom that he would visit after I got better, but I never in a million years thought that he would really come.

“I’m…” Oh, my God, speak! “I’m much better, thank you.”

Eli smiles, causing my heart to temporarily stop. “I’m glad to hear that.” Eli then glances at Jack, noticing he’s watching both of us with a smile. Something passes over Eli’s face that makes Jack nod his head.

“Okay, that’s me out.” He pops a ten-dollar bill on the counter. “Thanks for the coffee and the mac and cheese. Keep the change.” He then turns to leave. “It was nice seeing you again, Audrey.”

“It was nice seeing you too,” I shout back, but then realize what he just said. I frown. “Hold, on… what does that mean?”

But the time the words are out, he’s already disappeared. I realize in that moment how silent it is, so I glance around, noticing that it’s only Eli and I left. Victoria and Trent are no doubt watching from the storeroom just like last time.

“Can I get you a coffee?” I ask, deciding to just get on with my job and not read too much into the fact that Eli Prescott—the one and only Eli Prescott—is in my café. Again. “A triple venti soy no foam latte, if I recall.”

Eli smiles softly, setting my heart fluttering. “You remembered correctly.”

“To go?”

He eyes me peculiarly before answering. “Yes, please.”

I get on with making the coffee, all the while feeling his eyes upon me. Butterflies like no other enter my stomach.

“So, what brings you into town again? Not another movie, is it?”

“No, not another movie,” he replies to my back. “Something far more important brought me here.”

Not wanting to pry, I say, “I’m sorry to hear about you and Kendra.”

I pour his coffee into a cup and place it on the counter. All the while he’s still studying me just like Trent always does lately.

“It’s okay. It was a long time coming, anyway. In fact, that’s another reason I’m here. I need to thank someone for saving me. Someone very special.”

Tingles form up my spine, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. This man… I don’t know him, and yet, I can’t deny this pull I have towards him, like some unseeable force is drawing me closer and closer. It makes no sense at all, but the feeling is there. Something is out of reach right now. I can almost grab it, but frustratingly—just as of late—I don’t know what it is.

“I think whoever he or she is will be very happy and lucky to hear it.” He’s about to say something, when I interrupt. “Thank you for visiting me and for the flowers. It meant the world to me and mother that you cared. In fact, my mom never stopped talking about your visit once I woke.”

“She did?” he asks, with a twinkle in his eye.

Could this man be any dreamier?

“She certainly did. Between her and my friend Trent, I could never go a day without your name being mentioned. Your ears must have been burning a lot.”

We both laugh at my joke as all the while, Eli gazes into my eyes. “You look so much better, Audrey. I’m glad to hear you’re nearly one hundred percent healed.”

I nod, the whole time wondering what it is that’s missing. Something’s definitely missing. “It’s been tough, but I’m almost there.” I then frown, tilting my head to one side, trying to figure out this puzzle.

“Everything okay?” Eli probes, causing me to snap out of it. “You seem a little… unsure of something.”

I shake my head, laughing as I wave my hand dismissively. “No, no, it’s… nothing.”