Page 45 of Wreck My Mind

He muttered something under his breath that I’m pretty sure was along the lines of, Fuckin’ ass kisser. If it wasn’t, it should’ve been, because I’d remembered him being one. Which brought me to Jim’s favorite ass to kiss. “Who’s captain?”

“Lars Magnussen. You met him in Monaco. He’s been on leave, but Hayes flew him back in late last night.”

“Why? What happened with Captain Tom?” Aziza asked as the tender approached the aft beach deck.

“Happened overnight, something about Tom’s daughter being in the hospital. Car crash, I think. Hayes took care of everything on short notice.”

I glanced over at Zee, whose expression made it clear she hadn’t been brought into the loop. She cleared the annoyance from her features. “I had no idea. Have we heard a status on Tom’s daughter?”

Kai shook his head as he adjusted the tender close enough to the swim deck platform for me to leap across to it. I tied the tender off as Kai cut the engines.

“Head on up and grab a cocktail before the sun sets. Chef Anders has an amazing dinner planned,” Kai said. “We did some fishing and trapping while we waited on you guys. Going to be amazing!”

While Leo, Thea, and Titan filed onboard and up the stairs, I took the opportunity to peek in the toy garage and do a quick inventory. Two cases of equipment had been pre-loaded in Miami. As usual, Aziza’s planning had provided the very best gear and more of everything than I needed, including plenty of explosives.

“Is it enough?” she asked as she came up behind me.

“I thought you wanted us to kick some doors and walls in, Presh. This is enough to blow up the entire ship.”

“Then I have enough,” she said with a grin, before heading to the other side of the garage to look in the second storage locker.

Nik laughed, patting me hard on the back as he gawked at the supplies. “I can see why you’re in love with her, brother. This one actually gets you.”

“If it was only love I was in with her, it’d be easy,” I said under my breath.

There was so much I wanted to talk to her about, do with her. Remembering her being in my arms, the feel of her in my hands and mouth, only made my body ache for her. I could hardly look at her without craving more of everything, anything she was willing to feed me. Even if it were only lies.

I turned to watch her head up the aft stairs, tapping into the Black Hawk Toughbook she’d snagged from the second supply chest. “Back to work,” I muttered at her departing form.

As for me, I was in desperate need of a cold shower. I reached back and pulled my T-shirt over my head. Then I stripped off my shoes, emptied my pockets, and dove into the cool ocean. Sharks be damned.