Chapter Seventeen
As I headed to the shade of the main outdoor dining area, I shot Vivi a message on my satellite phone authorizing all medical bills and any additional support Captain Tom might require for his daughter’s accident and requested an update as to her condition as soon as possible.
I certainly couldn’t fault Captain Tom for not contacting me directly, but I hadn’t wanted anyone outside of the limited ship’s crew to even know a job was taking place. I’d booked the charter as simply a friend-and-family diving excursion for Coop.
Was this why Hayes had been expressing concerns to Zaki about my feelings toward Coop? That he assumed I was going on this charter with Coop as a friend? Or even romantically? I’d been so careful not to let my feelings show during any of our war room meetings. Kept work professional and my desires squelched. And it had worked…until now. Which was why I had to be extra vigilant to not turn this job into some sort of sexcapade. Of course, that didn’t mean I had to abstain. I just had to keep it private. Very private. And I needed to focus on my job.
Eager to call Gray, I settled in at the modern dining table, which sat twelve. Fully flanking the table’s long sides were a matching pair of slender rectangular fire features. With twilight approaching, the emerald stones would soon be glowing with green flames.
Catching movement, I glanced inside the yacht’s spacious living area and recognized Cait, the chief steward, setting up a tray of drinks at the wet bar.
The glass panel doors were folded back, allowing seamless flow from the covered outdoor dining into the creamy, light interior. Hard to imagine a boat, where people splashed salt water and sand, would have such luxurious silk carpets, cool marble, and warm mahogany. But instead of feeling the appropriate awe, it stirred up bittersweet memories of the Esmeralda. She’d had exquisite trappings, too. And now they were completely waterlogged and tattered on the seafloor, enjoyed only by schools of fish and various sea life.
“Welcome aboard the Zamarad! I’m Caitlin. What can I get you to drink? We have…everything,” Cait recited as she approached me from behind. Carefully reaching over my shoulder, she set down a drink coaster with the OZ logo and a fruit-infused ice water.
“Water is fine for now, Cait,” I replied as I turned to smile at her. “Thank you.”
“Aziza!” She stepped back and eyed me in shock. “I had no idea you were coming aboard. You weren’t on the manifest.”
“I know. I’m so sorry for the lack of communication. It was completely last minute.” I stood and gave the elegant lithe brunette a hug. She’d been an elite tennis player up until multiple ACL tears had taken her out about four years ago. “Good to see you! It’s been a while!”
“Since the island summit two years ago. I’ll make sure your things go into the master.” Cait pulled away and her slender hand went to her chest. “Which means Coop will go…where?”
“No. Moving him isn’t necessary. I requested for him to have the master. There are plenty of rooms. I’m not picky,” I offered, hoping she’d not press the issue.
“The thing is, Captain Magnussen is only briefly filling in for Captain Tom. At Tom’s request, I put him in one of the suites, so as not to disturb Tom’s things. I’ve got Nik and Thea in the other suite as they’re a couple, and also have Titan. Leo’s in the bunk room. I can move him in to share with Coop? But I know OZ will have a field day if I put you in a bunk room. And while you and Coop certainly rank higher in the corporate hierarchy than Captain Magnussen, he is the captain of this ship and frankly would be livid to be in a crew bunk. Heck”—she leaned in close to whisper—“he was annoyed about my not putting him in the master. You know how brusque Nordic men can be. I’ll move Nik and Thea, I guess?”
I blinked at her, still catching up on the info dump she’d given me. “Nonsense. Nik, Thea, and Titan are our guests. We’re not going to treat them like that.”
I was also low-key hoping to woo them both onto the Beryl Enterprises team. Besides, if my libido had any say in the matter, Coop and I would be sharing a bed. So the whole room situation was really a non-issue, but I also didn’t think it was any of Cait’s business.
“You’ll be much more comfortable in the master. Whatever you want me to do with Coop, I’ll do.”
I didn’t want her doing anything with Coop. But I understood why she was so flummoxed. As Zaki’s hand, I was her boss. I was everyone on this yacht’s boss. She was simply trying her hardest to make me happy, so Zaki didn’t become unhappy. And we all knew how making Zaki unhappy could go. Me, more than anyone.
It was the very reason this job was necessary.
I schooled my breath. “Please, don’t worry about it, Cait. Really. I’ll look over the rooms after dinner. I’m sure I can fit Coop…somewhere.” I shot her an awkward smile, knowing full well after grinding up against him in the war room, he would be a very tight fit.
I cracked open the Toughbook to connect to our network, hoping Cait wouldn’t see my cheeks heating with what I’m sure was the blush to end all blushes. Besides, I had important things to figure out, and which bed people were assigned but didn’t sleep in wasn’t even in my top ten.
“I’ll put your bags in the master and Coop’s in with Leo.”
It was the most logical arrangement under the circumstances. And would attract the least suspicion. If I hadn’t been having lustful thoughts about my employee, I’d have had zero qualms assigning him to share with his brother, and it wasn’t like he hadn’t had to sleep in worse places for other jobs. This being a job was no different and Coop would be professional about it.
“Perfect,” I said, with as much false enthusiasm as I could.
At least Cait looked satisfied. I was glad one of us would be, because clearly getting myself laid was a bigger task than I could navigate.
Hard to believe last quarter I’d pulled off Marakata Cay’s annual three-day Meeting of the Minds world summit. Costing over twenty-five million dollars, it had brought in leaders of several countries as well as A-listers and activists who worked tirelessly to fight climate change, human trafficking, and world poverty issues. Thank God they hadn’t been horny or it would’ve been a disaster.
“Shall I unpack for you?” Cait asked.
I started to say sure just to get her moving along, but then I remembered the skimpy clothes, including lingerie, that I’d hastily packed. “No, thank you. I like to handle those types of things myself.”
As if I’d ever traveled anywhere, or unpacked, for that matter.