Page 39 of Ain't No Sunshine

Chapter Fifteen


Aweeklater,I’m cooking breakfast at the Ball House with Cory’s arms wrapped around my waist. We’ve spent the last few days making up for lost time in every way possible.

Last night was our annual football fundraiser, so today’s plan is to spend the day lazing around while recovering from yet another weekend of too much alcohol consumption. So much for limiting alcohol during the season. Luckily, I have no plans to go pro.

My phone rings as the toast pops, and I answer without looking at the screen. It’s likely to be one of the boys wanting a ride home from wherever he ended up after the function.

“Yep,” I say absentmindedly, shaking the whipped cream.

“Nathan, baby. Congratulations on your engagement. I’m so proud of you,” Mom says, shocking the shit out of me and causing my phone and the canister to fly out of my hand, the latter hitting me in the nuts. ”Fuck!” I whisper yell, biting my knuckle as I rub myself to soothe the pain. Cory shoots me a startled look as she picks my phone up off the counter.

A faint voice comes through the speaker. “Nathan? Are you there?” Oh, right, I forgot there was something more painful for me to deal with than my aching balls.

I take a deep breath, willing myself to stay calm. “What did you just say?” I ask through clenched teeth. I want to curse, but, since it’s my mom, I keep my language clean. Still, what the fuck?

“I said congratulations on your engagement. Why else would I be calling on a Sunday during the day?” Yes, silly me, why else would you be calling? Again, what the fuck? “We’re so pleased for you, honey. And you two were so sneaky. I didn’t even know that you’d found time to meet up. But I’m so glad you did.”

She’s delusional, or drunk, or both. Maybe she’s sick and hallucinating? I have to consider all these options, because if it’s none of those things, then… Oh shit! Gramps wouldn’t mention the ring, would he? No, he knows I wouldn’t want him to. The only other alternative is that Liv fucked me over again, and I have no idea why.

“Who am I engaged to, Mom?” I ask, trying hard to not place blame until I have all the facts. Cory’s eyes flash to mine as she drops into a seat. I inwardly curse myself for answering my phone.

We only just got things back on track. I won’t let anything derail us now.

“Liv, dear. Who else would it be?”

“For fuck’s sake! Are you kidding me with this?” Oops, so much for not swearing. Cory’s eyes widen at my outburst, and she moves to leave the room, miming that she’ll give me some privacy.

“No! Sit back down,” I yell, scolding myself for transferring my anger to her. “Sorry, please stay.” I smile, and she nods.

“Who’s there?” Mom asks, not even acknowledging my swearing.

I sigh and calmly reply. “Mom, I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I’m not engaged to Liv, or anyone, for that matter. I’m sorry for the confusion.”

“Oh, nonsense. Of course, you are. I heard it from her directly.” God dammit, Liv.Well, that answers my question. “I don’t know why you’re hiding it.”

I close my eyes and take a deep breath because, again, she’s my mom. She’s a good person, and I love her.Repeat, she’s a good person. We have a great relationship except where my love life or work life is concerned. She loves Liv like a daughter. A non-rebellious, always sweet, never distracting daughter, unlike my little devil of a sister. I get why she’s pushing this, but I also know if she gave Cory half a chance she’d love her, too, maybe even more.

Liv and I were together for three and a half years, and before that, she was always around as a friend. It makes sense that Mom’s attached to her, but this needs to end now.

“Mom, I’m not engaged to Liv. I will neverbe engaged to Liv. We’re over. For good. I already told you this last week.”

“Yes, but Liv—”

“I don’t care what Liv said,” I roar, barely stopping myself from throwing the phone. I’m lucky it didn’t crack when I dropped it earlier.

“How can—”

“No, Mom. This discussion is over. I’ll call Liv as soon as I hang up and sort this out. I’m sorry for the mix up.”

I hang up without waiting for a reply. What the actual “fuck!” I yell, running my hands down my face as two warm arms embrace me from behind. “I’m sorry, Nate.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about. She better have a damn good reason for lying again. She knows it’s you I want to marry, not her. For fuck’s sake. Why would she do that?”

I turn around to pull Cory into a proper hug and see a shocked expression on her face. She’s staring up at me with wide eyes, and her bottom lip trapped between her teeth. What did I say?

She shakes her head, snapping herself out of her stare before cringing and taking a deep breath. “I’m pretty sure she’s doing it because she wants you back.”