Page 40 of Ain't No Sunshine

I sigh because we’ve had this conversation before. “I know it may look that way, but I’ve known her my whole life, and while what she’s doing is bullshit, she’s not a liar or one to beat around the bush. If she wanted me back, she’d tell me. There must be another reason she’s doing it now.”

Cory shakes her head at me and shrugs. “Okay, Nate. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I wrap my arms around her, pulling her tight against me as I press my lips to her head. “I won’t. Thank you. I’m sorry, Cory. I thought we were done with all this crap. But I’ll sort it out. I promise.”

I feel her nod against my chest as I kiss her head again. “God, I love you. I hope you know that.”

Cory looks up at me with a small smile, and I’m thankful that she hasn’t stormed out.

It’s another week before I get Liv on the phone. I know she’s dodging my calls. I’m diverted to voicemail a lot faster than I normally would be. If I hadn’t had an away game last night and a planned lunch today, I would have flown home to track her ass down and set this thing straight.

Luckily for me, I don’t have to do that. I’m heading out the door, on my way to Cory’s, when my phone rings and her name finally flashes on the screen. “What the fuck, Liv?” I say, moving back inside and shutting the door.

“I’m sorry. I panicked.”

“Why? You’ve got your inheritance. Why would you need to take the lie any further?”

“It has a thirty-day cooling-off period, something I didn’t know about. You know, to make sure I’m not lying.”

What?There are so many things wrong with that sentence. For one… “Liv. You are lying.”

“I know that. But Gran and Pop can’t find out. You’re not the only one struggling with this, Nate. I have a boyfriend. He’s not happy about it either.”

“You have a boyfriend? Since when?” I ask a little suspiciously. She used to tell me everything. Not that it bothers me, but I feel like that piece of information might have helped things between Cory and me this past month. To know she was going through the same thing and to convince Cory that she wasn’t trying to get me back.

“Not long, but long enough.” Okay, that’s a vague answer. But not the issue right now. I’m about to speak when she adds, “Please, just do this for me until they’re happy.”

“Ugh! Liv, I can’t…” I growl and leave the words hanging in the air. How the fuck is this my life? While it sounds ridiculous, I’m not exactly up to date with family law, or any law, so I have to go with the innocent until proven guilty theory. Having said that, I really want to remind her grandparents that we are not living in the world of ‘Days of our Lives’, and they need to get their shit together and wake up to reality.

“Please, just hear me out.”

I sigh. “Fine, I’ll listen. Tell me what’s going on. Every single detail.”

By the time she’s done, I feel sick to my stomach at the emotional abuse she’s endured, but if I don’t stop this now, it may never end. I know her grandparents. They’re likely to take this lie and run with it so fast that I’ll be married off before I know it.

“I’m sorry, Liv. I really am. But I can’t help this time. It’s going to ruin my relationship.”

I’m met with dead silence at the end of the line. I think she probably expected me to agree to more lies. When she finally speaks, her voice is rough. “Can you give me a day?”

I run my hands down my face while reminding myself that this is Liv. She deserves a day. “Okay, Liv. I’ll leave it to you. For. A. Day.”

Hanging up the phone, I sigh, glad that the drama is finally over. Yes, it’s over. Do you hear that, universe? Do not fuck with us again.

With that out of the way, I jump in my truck, tossing my phone onto the seat before pumping the tunes. I sing along to my favorite songs, feeling lighter than I have all week, so it’s not until I pull up to her complex that I notice the time. Fuck! I’m so late.

I take the stairs two at a time and come to a stop when I see Summer, Dylan, and Joel hovering in the hallway. They look relieved to see me, so it’s safe to assume Cory’s freaking out.

“I’m here. Shit, I’m here,” I yell as I run up the remaining steps.

“Thank God!” Dylan mumbles, but I ignore him.

I offer a quick ‘family emergency’ excuse as I run inside. Cory’s the only one who needs a full explanation.

The second I’m through the door, I know I’ve fucked up. Cory’s pacing the kitchen, cute brow furrowed in distress while mumbling to herself.

“Cory, I’m—”

She startles at my words and drops the bowl of salad she had in her hands. The contents spread out across the room and both of us stare down at the bowl as it rolls across the floor. As soon as it stops moving, Cory bursts into tears. Fuck!