Page 25 of Queen of Nothing



One minute I was having a halfway decent time, almost forgetting that I was actually someone’s captor and not their party guest, the next I was seeing red because that pointy nose Russian bitch had her hands in my man’s pants. Ugh. Not my man. He was actually going to freaking kill me. Carajo! I noted the random passing thought in my mother tongue. I was spending way too much time in my own head in that box listening to my Papá lecture me and now my Spanish didn’t feel as distant as it used to. I ran my hands over my face in anxiety and looked down to see all the black smeared all over my hands.

Great, now I probably looked like a damn clown.

I drank way too much and with how often I’d been avoiding food all together, I knew it hit me faster and harder than normal. I heard the door slam and, and I knew by the scent of Bleu de Chanel cologne it wasn’t Mateo coming in, but I had absolutely nowhere to hide now. I was standing in the corner of the room with my back to the wall when he stormed in, eyes full of rage and no ounce of compassion to be found in that emerald forest. He didn’t say anything yet, but he closed up the space between us in a few strides and I was practically becoming one with the wall trying to create distance between us that didn’t exist.

I hurriedly started trying to spew off some sort of defense in hope that it would cool his rage, unfortunately I had nothing else to offer. “Fuck you!” came out instead though, and even he seemed shocked.

“Don’t tempt me, Flower. I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but that little trick won’t go unpunished,” he said through his teeth moving closer and closer.

I curled my lip in anger at him. “I have nothing left to lose anyway. Do whatever you want to me. Yeah, maybe I’m the catalyst but this was your fault!” I selfishly blamed him for my behavior, and he raised an eyebrow at me like he couldn’t believe I was pushing guilt on him.

“You can expect me to play the part of the little doll you want me to be, but you can’t force me to watch some whore touching you. Touching the only man I’ve ever loved. The only man I’ve ever…” I stopped before I gave away more than I wanted to, but it was too late, and he narrowed his eyes at me in response. I traced my eyes downward and nervously picked at my nails to avoid giving him the truth.

“The only man you’ve ever what?” He asked as if everything else that happened was minute compared to what I could possibly say next.

“Can you really look at me and say you’d have no problem with watching some other guys touch me in front of you?” I asked him. “No bullshit Ronan, it’s just us,” I pleaded, my breaths coming in heavy as I trembled from my words. Unsure if I could handle the truth.

“The only man you’ve ever what?” He asked again with a little more bite, waiting for the answer impatiently.

“Don’t make me say it.”

His eyes widened in recognition of my truth and embarrassment flooded through me that in twelve years there hadn’t been anyone else, there couldn’t be. It was always just him, and the thought of getting close to another had never crossed my mind before I stepped inside of this high-rise.

“We don’t belong to each other anymore. Your choice, remember?” He said with a scowl as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“It wasn’t a choice,” I barely whispered, the tears threatening to pour out of me as the dam started to crumble again.

He took one last step and he rumbled in my ear, “Help me understand.” But there was no hardness to his words anymore, his thumb grazed the side of my face as he contoured down to my chin and lifted it up.

The tears were flowing freely from my eyes as I gazed upon the beautiful man who continually broke my heart day in and day out. It was a power only he had over me, he was the only person who could make me cry, and he was the only person I could allow myself to cry in front of. It had been that way since I was eight years old and decided my tears were a small part of the control I had in my life. Before I could respond his mouth was closing around mine with a bruising pressure and his tongue was parting my lips and pushing its way in with no abandon. My heart thundered in my chest as I let down my walls and gave in to the thing we always did best. It was always easier when we stopped trying to make sense, or use words, and just used our bodies.

A combination of a sigh and moan escaped my throat as I allowed him in, tongues fighting for dominance and the taste of tequila mixing with his whiskey had me forgetting anything but this moment, and the two of us. The kiss was like a jumpstart that my heart had been severely needing to bring me back to life, but there was so much pain in coming back from the dead.

I knew he could taste it too.

His hand found my breast over the dress, he carelessly ripped it to give himself better access as he roughly massaged it. I gasped as his free hand grabbed the back of my head, and he tugged my hair roughly to force my head to tilt in his direction.

Heat surged through me from the power of his demands, and I was too caught up in the moment to care about anything else. I knew I was making a mistake, but I would deal with the consequences later. I could feel his impossibly hard erection through his suit pants, and I ran my hands down to feel the familiar thickness of his cock and I squeezed hard.

He groaned a response and pressed into me harder. Ronan unbuckled his belt and I started to reach for him but in one motion he lifted my legs up as he pinned me up against the wall. With fumbling hands, I scrambled to tear the shirt off of him, running my hands over every inch of his sculpted body. He was magnificent, and just for now I wanted to feel his skin against mine and worship every muscle on his body.

I closed my ankles behind him, the heels of the Louboutin’s surely digging into him with a piercing pressure as I urged him closer, our mouths never separating as our tongues collided against each other. It had been too long, and it felt too right, and I never wanted to put any distance between us again. His thumb flicked my nipple and brushed over it with an unbearable heat that was winding my body up as it begged for release. Eventually he broke away from my lips and trailed down my neck with a familiar firmness until his lips found my other breast, pulling it out of the dress and closing his mouth around my nipple.

“More,” I groaned it out as his tongue pressed against my nipple and with a few steady motions, he had pulled himself out of his pants and was pushing my underwear to the side as he teased me with his cock pressed to my wetness.

He pushed the full length of his cock into me until he was completely sheathed inside me, and we both sighed relishing the feeling. It was like coming home again after being away for so long that you didn’t even know if you had a key anymore. But Ronan was the key and feeling him inside me again was the kind of pleasure that would haunt me until my last breath.

With our foreheads pressed together, he never took his eyes off of mine, not like he was searching for the girl I was once but like he was trying to figure out who I was now. He couldn’t find her though, and I closed my eyes to avoid giving it away.

“Look at me.” He commanded as he pulled my chin up and our eyes locked on each other. I scraped my nails along his back, and he grunted and tugged on my hair drawing a pleasured groan from deep within my throat.

Ronan was hitting all the right spots at a punishing pace and my stomach tightened as I got closer and closer to climax. His mouth found mine again and he said his encouragement in a hushed tone. “Let go Flower,” he demanded as he forced me to come undone in a shockwave that rippled through me, leaving me uncaring of the cries departing my mouth. My body trembled as he held me up and pumped his release inside of me. We stayed like that for a few minutes as we both caught our breaths before he pulled out of me. The feeling of emptiness was so sudden and chilling but a good sobering reminder of what the fuck are you doing estupida?

“Who are you running from?” The broken record stuffed himself back into his pants, and I pulled my dress back down as I adjusted myself.

I was breathless and still high from the mind-blowing orgasm, but he couldn’t catch me off guard. “What are you doing with the women?” I asked instead of answering, feeling his cum slowly dripping out of me.

“That’s absolutely not your concern,” he said to me as he buckled his pants, removing any trace of what we’d just done.

“Looks like we don’t trust each other then,” I said smiling and crossing my arms, knowing damn well I wasn’t going to be spilling any of my own secrets just because he knew how to make me come faster than I could do on my own.

He clenched his jaw, and I could tell he was holding back his anger. He was made out of so much rage now, and I knew that I was the reason for it all.

I was the reason he turned into this hardened version of himself, one that could cut you with a single look. I was the reason he went to war. I was the reason he was untrusting and always had a piece tucked between his boxer and his pants. I was sure even now if I checked it would be there. But I wasn’t scared of him, I already knew he wouldn’t hurt me, not in the ways that counted anyway.

“Don’t be so damn stubborn Cecilia,” he said through closed teeth. “That’s Black Crow business, it doesn’t concern you. That little stunt you pulled back there? That’s gonna cost us something,” he said but I wasn’t sure what he could mean.

“Sounds like your problem,” I spat back at him. “Get your dick sucked in private payaso,” I said, letting my accent slide out with the word.

“This building is mine to do what I want, where I want. Just like you, you’re mine too now, don’t forget it.”

“How could I forget? You keep me down there like an animal.” I threw the words at him as I stood a bit taller, nobody owned me. Maybe on a piece of paper he did, but I wasn’t really even the name who signed.

I wasn’t anyone anymore.