Page 24 of Queen of Nothing

I whistled loudly and Ethan, one of our top dogs, was at my side ready for instructions. “Go to the kennels and give her to Fletch.” I shoved Oksana at him, who was wrestling against me like a pissed-off raccoon without looking back at her. Kane released Cecilia and her eyes widened when she looked at me as I admired her work, she turned around and ran to Mateo’s room. I heard the door slam and as much as I needed to chase her, I knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere, and I had a hell of a mess to clean up. Anya was shrieking like a fucking banshee and when she lifted her head up, I could see why. Her nose was completely shattered, blood gushing down her face and she was probably missing three or four teeth now.

Cecilia fucked her up good.

I ran my hand down my face, annoyance, and pride both battling for dominance of my mood.

“Party’s over!” I shouted and it waslike a comical record-type scratching effect in a cartoon when all of the sound abruptly stops. Everything flipped like a switch, and they all began to clear out as the music came to a screeching halt. “Go with Álvarez and take her to the hospital, pay off the staff on shift,” I said to Kane.

“And then what?” he asked me, but I was honestly feeling just as clueless as he was at that moment.

“Set her up nice, pay her off too if you have to. Just make sure it doesn’t come back on us.” I said in a hushed tone fully knowing I was completely unsure as how to handle this fucked up situation. We were all in over our heads here. Not only did Cecilia hurt her, but she permanently damaged that poor girl’s only asset for the rest of her life.

It wasn’t that I was some fucked up pig who thought her body was all she had to offer. It was that for the last six years we had been doing this, we’d seen it all. These girls came from fucked up situations, they were stolen young and were kept and moved around until they were sold to the highest bidder for their virginity. If they weren’t virgins, then there was a good chance they’d been doing it so long that it was all they knew. Only once since we’d been doing the trials had a single girl chosen for us to put them somewhere, they could reinvent themselves. The security of a safe brothel or strip club was more of a happy ending than they could imagine, especially when they had our guaranteed protection for life.

She hadn’t signed yet either so there was a pretty good chance she wouldn’t want to stay with us now, and there was nothing we could do about that other than let her go. Maybe we could at least hope she would decide to start a new life somewhere away from Cove City and gang life, but with her sister here I had a feeling it wouldn’t be so simple.

“What are you gonna do to her?” He gestured his head towards his room as he accentuated the word her.

“Everything,” I said through closed teeth.

“Don’t say scary shit like that or you’re not allowed in my room,” he warned me as he picked up whimpering Anya as if she was a small baby and made his way towards the elevator. “Seriously. No punishments without talking to us. Say it,” he demanded without looking back.

“No punishments,” I said, fury clawing at me from inside, but I knew I had to let it simmer before I went in there and completely exploded. She was jealous. The realization hit me like a bullet train, and I had to contain my smile from taking over my face, but it soon disappeared as I remembered she had no right to be jealous, she forfeited that right a long time ago.

“No punishments,” I hummed to myself as I paced in front of Kane’s closed bedroom door. Did she lock it? I wondered. If she was smart, she would have locked it until Kane got back. I turned the handle to find the door barely even fully shut and I opened it out further letting the door dramatically hit the wall behind it as I entered the room.