This is going exactly as I had planned. Except… Kasey Albright. All I saw was a thin feminine hand raised. As soon as I called on her and she leaned around the man in front of her, I got a good look at the most stunning woman I have ever laid eyes on. Her dark hair has that wild quality that I can imagine wrapping around my hands and pulling, just so, for that bite of pain she would love. Her eyes are a deep brown that reminds me of a delicious aged scotch. I bet they turn even darker the more turned on she gets. And those full lips. Goddamn. Those are the lips a man could get lost in for hours and not care about anything else. There is no hiding that woman’s sensuality.

I want all her attention and am surprised by the intense lust I feel from just a look at her. This isn’t me. I actually have to stop for a moment and stare. What am I thinking, prying for information about whether or not she’s married? In front of a lawn full of reporters, no less. No, not me at all. A woman like that screams danger for a man like me. That thought makes me wonder how loudly I can make her scream in a different setting with no one around. Get your head back in the game, Hayes. I answer a few more questions, even though now I’m a little distracted with thoughts of Kasey in my head, and wrap up the press conference. I thank everyone who came and wave to the crowd before leaving.

Sean is waiting for me after I step off the stage. This guy lives and breathes his job as head of my PR team. I’ve always taken his advice and run with it. This is why he’s such a good fit for my campaign. We have always been on the same page as far as my public image is concerned. Voters want to see a man who is reserved and trustworthy. They need to see a man who takes his job and commitment seriously. Sean hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

“Great job, Donovan. You are well on your way today. These reporters ate it up. Although, there was one thing I saw. You couldn’t seem to keep your eyes off the reporter from the Sun. And the way you answered her question? You can’t let a pretty face distract you, man. If I noticed the way you two reacted to each other, then you can bet others saw it too. Not the crowd to have a slip-up like that in front of.”

Shit. I straighten up, hoping he can’t tell I know I’ve been busted.“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, Sean. I think I handled every question just as we have gone over for the last few months.” Lies.

“Listen, I get it, that girl was smoking hot, but just be careful with your reactions when you’re in front of reporters. We don’t want any of them getting the wrong idea and running with a story about you being some sort of inappropriate playboy.”

I’m not particularly happy about his reference to Kasey in that way or the flippant reference he made to me being like my brother.

“Got it, Sean. But I assure you the only thing I noticed was the fact that she was a reporter and I answered her question. End of.”

I reach out to shake his hand, not needing him to tell me I screwed up when answering Kasey. I hoped he hadn’t noticed, but guess I was wrong.

“Okay, I’m going to go talk to a couple of people I know and set up some interviews for before you leave in a couple of days. Great job.” He pats me on the shoulder and turns to walk away just as my mom and dad approach.

“Oh, Donovan,” my mother says, “you were wonderful.”

“Great job, Son,” my father agrees. “You had these reporters eating out of the palm of your hand. Sean is setting up interviews, I hope. We have to keep the momentum going on this.”

“He is. Have you seen Jackson?” I ask, thinking that my brother would still be with my parents. Now that the press conference was over, I wanted to talk to him more about the pictures.

“Yes, he said he has some business to take care of and not to expect him for dinner,” my mother tells me. “Will you be here for dinner tonight?”

“No, I have a few things to go over before my trip. Thank you for hosting this at your house. I think having a more personal touch was the right call.”

“Of course, Son. We are just so proud of you.” My mother smiles at me before turning toward the tent that the grounds people are taking down. She has to oversee everything, including making sure no one ruins her perfectly manicured lawn.

“Son, I really am proud. It was like watching myself up there thirty years ago.” Dad has a faraway look in his eyes, as if he’s remembering when he was the one giving speeches and working in public office. My father loved his job, and the people loved him. Having to retire was hard on him, to say the least. “I know you will do great things in office,” he tells me.

“Thanks, Dad. Your support on this really means a lot to me.”

He clasps my hand and gives me a brief hug. Then he’s off to find my mother.

I look around to see if I can spot Kasey one more time. This reaction I’m having toward her is so strange. I’ve found women attractive before, obviously. I wouldn’t say I’m anywhere near the range of my brother, but I’ve had my share of women in my bed. They have mostly all been sweet and amicable. The ones you can take home to Mom and to a charity event. The kind any man would be happy to have on his arm. But they have all wanted something I couldn’t give them. Once the newness wore off, we were both left wanting something more. Usually, they would want a deeper commitment and I would just want out.

There was never this intense, immediate attraction that I felt today. Why was that? Maybe I’ve just been under too much stress with this campaign launch. Maybe it’s been too long since I’ve had the pleasure of the company of a woman. No, I don’t think that’s it. There was something I saw in her eyes. A pull I can’t explain. This feeling is dangerous. This is the kind of feeling that could ruin a man like me. I don’t have time to want these things. I can already tell she’s the sort of woman a man would gladly sell his soul to the devil for to have in his bed. Just a look and a few words and I’m already considering being that man.