Chapter four


WhenIgetback to my office, almost everyone has gone to lunch. Abigail is still at her desk, watching me with a smile. I sit down at my desk just about to fire up my computer when she walks over.

“So, what did you think of the illustrious, and, as you put it, boring Donovan Hayes?” Well, if that doesn’t feel like a leading question, then I don’t know what.

“He was fine. He had all the reporters eating out of the palm of his hand, which is pretty much what I expected,” I tell her distractedly. Come on, computer, could you be any slower? Can’t you tell I’m trying not to look my best friend in the eye right now?

“Out with it, Kasey. I know there’s something else. Could it maybe be that you don’t want to tell me I was right?” She’s already smug about it. She knows me too well. Dammit.

I turn to look at her in a huff. “All right, fine. He’s hot as hell and I totally made a fool of myself in front of him and everyone else. All I can hope is that it was worse in my head, which I seriously doubt. But yes, Abigail, you were right. The man is eye candy of the highest quality. Happy now?”

She laughs and gives me a look like she’s trying to understand how dumb I feel but can’t quite get past the ‘I told you so’ gloating. It’s obnoxious.

“What happened, hon?” Oh, now she wants to be sweet.

I tell her my stupid reply to his answer and how Sean totally called me on it but scheduled me an interview, anyway.

“Obviously Sean didn’t think too much about it. I’m sure no one else really noticed. If it was that big of a deal, he would have just brushed you off. It’s his job to weed out the reporters that he wants Donovan to interview with and he scheduled one with you, right? I’m sure everything’s fine.” Okay, she’s taking the supportive friend route. I like this much better.

“There was just something about him. It was so weird. I had this insane attraction to him when I saw him. I knew he was handsome, but I definitely wasn’t expecting that. He has this charisma that completely caught me off guard. Now I have to interview him tomorrow, but I can’t get all these thoughts out of my head. I really don’t want this to cloud my thinking tomorrow. The last thing I need is to look like even more of an idiot in front of him.”

“You’re being too hard on yourself, babe. For the love of all that is holy, you’re a twenty-nine-year-old woman who finds a man attractive. Big deal. Lots of women find him attractive. You’re also a professional with a good head on her shoulders. You can get past this.”

“I know. You’re right. I guess I’m just not used to feeling like this. I can’t even remember the last time I imagined doing half the things I thought about with anyone.” Admittedly, my sex life has taken a back seat to everything else. Even the few dates I’ve had in the past year have gone nowhere further than a good night kiss or a mediocre make-out session. I usually just stop returning calls or they stop trying because I’m always too busy with work and family stuff. It’s been too long since I was the focus of a man’s desire for more than one or two dates.

“Okay, changing subjects, did Lindsey find you at the press conference?” Abigail asks me.

“She did. She asked if we could have drinks tonight at some new club. I’m so tired. I really just want to call it off.” Even as I say this, I remember how I felt when Lindsey teased me about being a “mom.” I’m twenty-nine, dammit. There are plenty of people my age out there juggling a social life and a career. My best friend standing in front of me is a perfect example of that.

“No, you are not canceling on her. Maybe you need to go out and have some fun to get your head on straight. Life is about more than work and your mom and sister. You’ve been ignoring your own stuff for too long. That’s probably where all this stuff today is really stemming from. How about you do you for once. Go have a drink and flirt with some cute guys. You can research and write up interview questions from home. It will take you an hour tops. Then take a nap. Gus will never know.”

“Ugh, I hate taking advantage like that, though.” But damn, does a nap sound good right now.

“Kasey, just do it. You actually don’t have to be the pillar of responsibility all the time. What Gus doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Trust me, it won’t hurt anything.” I seem to remember her telling me this just last night. She was wrong then and is probably wrong now, but…

“You know what, you’re right. A nap sounds amazing, and I can write interview questions in my sleep. Besides, it’s been too long since I’ve actually gotten dressed up to go out. Apparently, Lindsey scored us exclusive access, so I’m gonna do it.” I pump my fist for good measure while Abigail just laughs at me.

“Okay, get out of here before Gus comes back from lunch. If he asks me anything I’ll just say you have cramps or something.”

“Oh, good Lord, please don’t.” I don’t need my editor thinking I’m blowing off work for “female issues.”

“I kid! I kid!” she says, laughing at the look of panic on my face. “I’ll think of something. Don’t worry about it. You’re too easy sometimes.” She has another laugh at my expense.

“You’re really making me rethink this whole thing,” I tell her.

“Oh, stop it. Get out of here already. I got you, don’t worry. I can’t wait to hear all about your night out tomorrow.”

I collect my things and leave Gus a message that I’m going to work from home for the rest of the day and in the morning, too. I don’t trust Abigail to not say something completely embarrassing about why I’m not in the office. Since the sun has come out and the clouds have moved along, I decide to walk a few blocks before catching a cab to my apartment. Even though I’m dog-tired, the fresh air perks me up. Today wasn’t all bad. I can do this. I can go out and have fun tonight and nail my interview with Donovan tomorrow, and for heaven’s sake, figure out a way to control reaction to him. That might be easier said than done.

After writing up my notes for my interview tomorrow and taking a much-needed nap and shower, I get a text from Lindsey with the address of a place called Club Noir and a time to meet her there. The excitement builds as I pick out an outfit for tonight. I almost forgot how fun it is to get dressed up and live like I’m in my twenties again, since, you know, I am still in my twenties. I decide on a deep blue dress that may or may not remind me of the eye color of a certain someone. It has thin straps that leave my shoulders widely exposed and cut-outs under my full breasts and above my navel. Thank God for built-in bras. I rarely wear things so revealing, but I couldn’t help but buy this little number when I tried it on in the store. I feel feminine and daring. A feeling I haven’t let myself get lost in for far too long. My hair is in loose waves just past my shoulders, matched with a smokey eye, nude lips, and killer heels. With a quick hair fluff and another coat of gloss, I’m ready to see where this night takes me.

I arrive at the address Lindsey gave me and spot my sister waiting on the sidewalk in front of a large steel double door with nothing but the street numbers illuminated in deep red neon. I pay the cab fare and meet her on the sidewalk. The building is dimly lit on each side of the doors, giving the front of the two-story gothic building an ominous vibe. What have I gotten myself into? Nope, I’m not letting doubts get in the way tonight.

“Hey, Kasey, you look amazing. I haven’t seen that dress in your closet before. Is it new?”

“Nope, I bought it a while ago. I’ve just never had somewhere to wear it. You made it sound like this place was over the top, so I figured I would dress the part.” I’m feeling a little overdressed and self-conscious all of the sudden. Lindsey looks amazing as always in a form-fitting short black dress that sets off her blond hair and blue eyes. Her dress isn’t as sexy as mine and I get scared that I may have overdone it a bit. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now.