Page 27 of Dahlia's Kiss

“Lastly,” I interjected. “He’s not lying because I can feel the pull, too. My soul cries for him when he is near to me. The same way it does for you. He is just much less of an asshole, so it’s easier to be near him.”

Sterling rubbed his temples with his left hand, his right still grasping the grip of his holstered pistol. “This is unreal. No one gets two mates. Not ever.”

“You want to hear something else?” Might as well hit him while he was down. Secrets don’t make friends, right? “You two aren't the only ones.”

Both of their heads snapped up at once. “What?” Cole asked.

Sterling stared at me in silence.

“Remember when you were here before and you smelled another Incubus?” I asked Sterling. “That wasn’t Cole. I hadn’t even met him yet at that point. The Incubus who was here was the one who put the note on my car. His name is Damian, and he is mated to me as well. I must be the luckiest damn Succubus in the world to be the only one who never wanted to be bonded to anyone, and now there are three of you knocking at my door. What fate did I piss off to have this happen to me?”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not the jealous type,” Cole chuckled. “Or this would get real awkward real fast.”

“You don’t want the bond,” Sterling said. “Just leave town. Maybe it will fade away if we aren't near each other. Maybe this is because there are so few left of us. Mother Nature must be giving out multiple mates to try to preserve the species.”

“And I am oh so happy she decided to start with me.” I rolled my eyes.

“Any more fucking surprises I should be aware of?” Sterling asked.

“You know, you should be nicer. It’s not like she asked for any of this.” Cole said with a frown.

“I’m a barrel of fucking sunshine,” Sterling said. “Where do you come off trying to be the nice guy? Have you looked in the mirror? You’re exactly what people think of when they think of men they should avoid. Is there any part of you that isn’t tattooed or pierced?”

“Nope,” Cole smirked. “You wanna see my dick? I got this cool piercing right on the tip, and my balls are pierced, too.”

My lady bits came to life with that tidbit of information.

“That’s disgusting.” Sterling looked over at me with wide eyes. “Of course, she’s fucking turned on by that.”

I blushed hard, feeling the fire fill my skin. I forgot he could smell me. Cole looked at me curiously as Sterling threw his tantrum. I couldn’t help but wonder what all the bad boy’s flesh looked like under his clothes. I wanted to see the metal through his skin, to swirl my tongue around it. What would that feel like inside of me? I crushed my legs closed to prevent the tidal wave of desire from escaping.

“I could show you,” Cole said. “You don’t have to imagine it.”

“If she’s fucking anyone, it’s me,” Sterling announced. “In fact, we’ve already fucked.”

Cole looked at him as if he were nothing. “I’m not competing with you, detective. I’m an Incubus. I’m not opposed to climbing in bed with both of you. Especially since, you know, she is not my mate. She has the right to choose.” He looked back at me with warm eyes. “I’ll fuck you however you want me to, with whoever you see fit to be there. Even if you had a whole harem at your command. I’ve never wanted to be mated, and I still don’t, but as long as I live and there is a bond between us, I will be at your beck and call to service you.”

I wanted to climb him like a pole and rub my body over him like a cat in heat. If I lick him, he’s mine, right?

“Sterling?” I asked.

“What?” He sounded dejected, painfully aware that he was slipping out of favor, and he wasn’t excited about it. “Can you live with the fact that I am bonded with more than one Incubus and put your jealousy aside if I choose to take them into my bed? If you can’t, you need to walk away now and not come near me again. Everything is hard enough right now. I realize with the current situation, I am better off to have you on my side, but I won’t do it if I can’t trust you to allow me to be me.”

“It’s hard for me to imagine you with anyone else. It makes me hurt inside. You might not have accepted me as your mate, but it doesn’t make the feelings any less real.”

“But can you do it?” I asked.

He looked at Cole, who looked away quickly. “Goddamn it. Yes, I’ll do it. But if any more Incubi show up trying to stake a claim with you, I’m out. I haven’t even met this other one yet, and I already don’t like this one. But if either of them is the one out to kill you, I want to be around to put a bullet through their skull.”

“That’s fair,” I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

I felt him melt into me. Cole didn’t attempt to intervene, and that was probably for the best. When I let Sterling go, there were tears glittering in his hard as stone eyes. “This isn’t how I envisioned finding the woman I would love for eternity. I guess I should be grateful that I found you at all.”

Someone knocked on the frame of the open door.

“Am I interrupting something?” Damian stood at the edge of my carpet with a bundle of daisies in his arms. “Who are you two, and why are you both with my mate?”

“Here we fucking go again.” Cole put his hand on his forehead.