Page 28 of Dahlia's Kiss


“Well,Damian, I would say you have perfect timing, but that would be the understatement of the year.” I pulled him inside and closed the door. The neighbors were already hearing way more than they needed to hear. “Welcome to the party where nothing is as it should be and the cock to pussy ratio is way out of balance.”

“I missed something, didn’t I?” Damian asked. “Who are these guys?”

Sterling grumbled something I didn’t catch, throwing his hands up and making his way to the couch. The detective groped for the remote and switched on the TV, putting his feet on my coffee table like he owned the place. Bean jumped in his lap as if they’d been friends forever. At least the cat liked him.

“I’m Cole. It seems I’m one of the three Incubi fated to be Dahlia’s mate. I like long walks on the beach, kittens, and rock music. I don’t like arrogance or jealousy, and that one over there has enough of both for all of us.” He tilted his head toward Sterling, who flipped him off without looking in his direction.

“Three?” Damian asked. “Isn’t that supposed to not happen? I mean, I’ve never heard of one of us having a bond to more than one person.” Damian scratched his head, looking at me with curious eyes.

Of the three men, he was the most innocent. He was huge, with muscles for days and the kindest pair of blue eyes I’d ever looked into, but you could tell when he spoke that he was a simple kind of guy. He was the kind of guy who would wear his heart on his sleeve and tell you exactly how he felt about things. I could imagine him reading poetry to me beside a fire. Not that he fucked gently. To the contrary, he was as rough as any of my lovers, furious in the sheets with an insatiable appetite. Just how I liked it.

“Well,” I started. “Seems like things are going to be a bit different for us. I don’t want to be tied down to any of you, but I can’t help but want to be near you. As I told the others, if you’re okay with me sharing myself with all three, you can stick around, but if that is going to be a problem, I'd prefer if you left now.”

Damian watched my lips as I spoke, as if he needed to see me say the words to fully grasp their meaning. As a response, he leaned in and kissed me tenderly. His mouth tasted like citrus and mint, cool and crisp. “I’d do anything to be with you. Absolutely anything.”

Cole stepped forward and nuzzled my neck, swearing his fealty into my nape. He was the only one I hadn’t slept with, and I was dying to try him on for size. Sterling glanced up from the news station he turned to, and I felt his heat come alive. It damn near brought me to my knees when his pheromones slammed into me like a freight train.

“Sterling,” I whispered, holding my hand out to my wayward detective like a peace offering. “Please.”

“Oh, hell,” he mumbled as he got to his feet and tugged his shirt over his head. His dog tags rattled against his chest. “Can we at least go to the bedroom? I don’t care for rug burns.”

Cole picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. My robe fell open in the process and my naked breasts rubbed against his shoulder, the fabric scratching an itch I didn’t know I had. Damian reached over and carefully tugged the cloth from my body, leaving me suspended in the air completely naked. Cole leaned his head towards me and licked my hip, grazing his teeth along my skin.

When I was dumped on the bed, I watched as my men undressed. Each one was a glowing specimen of manhood. Their bodies were toned and tight in all the right places, each one boasting an erection that rivaled the next. Sterling was the last to drop his pants, and the first to approach the bed.

“You wanted this,” he said. “Show us.”

Tugging me to my feet from where I lay on the bed, he placed a hand on each of my shoulders and forced me to my knees. His cock lay against my cheek, hot and rigid, the blood pulsing furiously just below the skin. “Is this what you want?” I asked, sucking the head into my mouth. His tight-lipped groan was all the encouragement I needed. I sucked his shaft into my throat, paying special attention to the head when I neared the top, holding his balls in my hand.

Cole joined him. His cock lined up perfectly with the detectives, with an upward bend that made it difficult to get both heads in my mouth at the same time. The girth of the two meant I had to give each of them attention separately, but whatever member I wasn’t licking, I stroked with a tight fist.

Damian stepped behind Cole, wrapping his arms around his belly. When Cole spread his legs further apart, I knew Damian was requesting entry, and when the hard looking, tattooed man’s cock jerked and he cried out, I knew he’d been penetrated. He leaned his head back against the other man’s chest and his shaft bounced in my hand with their movements.

Sterling had had enough. Wrapping a hand around my throat, he lifted me and turned me so he could bend me over the bed. He kneaded my rear entry with his fingertips before inching his way inside, careful not to tear my delicate flesh. Once he was fully inside, he began to move, slow and steady.

“You had to have me first,” I whispered over my shoulder.

“The other two need to know where they stand,” he said. “I’ll share, but I’ll always take what is mine.”

Cole was free of Damian and crawling over the side of the bed. He sat before me so I could suck his cock while Sterling had his way with my ass. He laced his fingers into my hair and forced my throat to contract to take him. The motion caused me to gag, my stomach pushing against Sterling’s thrusts, making me even tighter. The iron rod through the head of his dick tasted metallic, the one looped through his sack was warm against my fingers.

“Yeah, baby, just like that,” Sterling said.

Damian had his cock in Cole’s mouth and when I watched his member disappear to his balls, I came. A scream erupted from my throat, and Sterling began to fuck me in earnest, spilling his seed into my rectum.

“It’s my turn,” Cole announced. He grabbed me by my elbows and pulled me on top of him, settling my pulsating pussy onto his curved cock. He hit my g-spot instantly and my orgasm intensified. “Come for me, Dahlia. Squeeze my cock. Let me feel you come.”

Damian was behind me. Somehow, I’d lost track of Sterling. Where did he go? My ass was stretching wide, lubricated by the cum Sterling had left there moments ago.

“Oh, God, that feels so good!” Damian threw his head back as he matched thrusts with Cole.

Sterling came back, tilting my face to him with two fingers, thrusting his tongue in my mouth. He had his pants on. Why was he dressed?

“I’m going to fucking blow my load!” Cole’s face contorted as his orgasm hit. His hips pressed upwards. The pain from the depth he reached penetrated through my body like a spear. I cried out, bracing my hands on his chest, feeling the cum from two males on my thighs. Damian pumped one last time before adding himself to the mixture. It was too much for my body to hold. When he pulled out, his seed, mixed with the semen from the other two, flowed from me like a river.

I collapsed on the bed beside Cole, panting. I tentatively touched my sore flesh and came away with their drippings. I licked my fingers and tasted the essence of all three men, and the world began to spin. This was where I was supposed to be. These three were my fate. But where was Sterling?

“Dahlia?” His voice came from the far side of the room. “I have some bad news.”

“Sterling?” I asked. “Why are you dressed already? Come back to bed. Let’s just lay together and enjoy this moment.”

“Dahlia,” his voice took on a much sterner tone. “This is important. I need to tell you something. While you guys were finishing up, I got a phone call.”

“How could you even worry about a phone call during sex like that?” Cole asked.

Sterling frowned. “The medical examiner processed your hair from the crime scene. They don’t know what to make of it. They want to hold a meeting with the department to discuss their findings. This could be really bad.”

“Oh, fuck,” I whispered.