Page 16 of Scars (The Triad 1)

I hummed and looked over my shoulder at Scarlet. She was leaning up against the wall, her eyes bright with excitement. She chewed on her bottom lip and looked up at me. “Do we let them go, pet? You’re the one they offended. Your call.” I knew I would get shit for that later from Elliot, and maybe even Tristan, but they would never show any disagreements between the three of us in public. And this was the perfect opportunity for her to show them she could be one of us. We could keep her.

Keep her.My mouth watered at the thought.

Scarlet pushed herself off the wall and sauntered over in between me and Tristan. She reached up and grabbed my hand with the gun and slowly pushed it down to point at Ty.

Fuck me, I was going to marry this woman.

“He’s the one that called me a cunt and suggested they all fuck me senseless.” She looked up at me with those big blue eyes. “Is there someone above him, or is that pitiful asshole the leader of the entire gang?”

“There’s plenty above him,” Tristan answered for me.

“Then let’s shoot him and send him back as a message not to come onto your territory again. And most importantly—” She paused. “Most importantly, this will tell them not to fuck with me again.”

My cock was going to fucking explode. She pressed her front up against my side and placed her hand over mine. Her finger slid over mine on the trigger. Her tits pressed up against me with each heavy breath. Her face was flushed, and her lips were slightly parted. She was turned on.

“Are you wet, princess?” I whispered so only she could hear. She smiled and licked her lips. That was answer enough for me. I couldn’t believe how lucky we were to find this girl whose body purred for violence. “Are we killing him or maiming him?” I asked as we looked over at the other guys practically shitting themselves.

“Bro, come on. Just let us get him and take him home.”

That plea fell on deaf ears. Ty was starting to stir on the ground. In her heels, Scarlet was able to almost rest her chin on my shoulder. I looked over, and she smiled. Her other hand wound its way around my neck and pulled me in. She kissed me and pulled my bottom lip between her teeth as she pulled the trigger. Her mouth tasted like candy, and I let my mind wonder what the rest of her would taste like.

“Fuck!” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them collect Ty’s dead body and head down the stairs, leaving the other one I had shot bleeding brain matter on the steps. That was annoying. Leaving us with the cleanup. Scarlet gave me another quick kiss and then peeled herself off me.

“That was fun, boys,” she said as she slapped Tristan on the shoulder. She stepped over the guy on the stairs. Like me, they were both staring at her like she had grown another head. Or that she was the sexiest fucking thing we had ever seen in our lives. Even Elliot looked a bit taken with her in that moment. She made her way over to our table and sat down in one of the chairs, throwing back one of the drinks that had been left on the table.

“Looks like the club has cleared out. Does that mean we get to stay and have some fun for ourselves?” She picked up another drink and finished it as well. She looked up at us all and smiled. “We didn’t get all dressed up just for some assholes to ruin our night, did we?”