Page 15 of Scars (The Triad 1)


I made sure to be hot on her heels as she climbed into the limo. God, her ass was perfect. If that dress was any tighter, it would rip right off her. It clung to every single inch of her luscious curves, and it was all I could do to not throw her over my shoulder and take her upstairs to fuck her senseless. Whatever that material was, she would be wearing it from now on.

I practically dove into the seat next to her, and her bright red lips quirked up to the side as she took me in. My hand found her thigh and squeezed the flesh there as Tristan settled on her other side. Elliot was the only one of us so far that didn’t seem to feel the gravitational pull she had around her.

“So, who gets the job of babysitting me tonight?” she asked.

I felt rage flow through me. I had told Tristan I wanted it to be me. It’s not that I didn’t trust Elliot, but I didn’t want to be separated from her. I wanted to have my eye on her at all times. She was not getting away from us tonight. Elliot opened his suit jacket, showing off the multiple guns he had strapped to him. A cruel smile spread across his face. She groaned, and that noise went straight to my cock.

“Sebastian trusts you far too much, and you would just distract him,” Tristan answered. I squeezed her thigh and let my hand wander a little higher up that slit in her dress. Christ, it went all the way up to that sweet dip in her hip. She couldn’t be wearing anything under that dress. My dick stirred again, and I not so discreetly adjusted myself. “And I have too many people to speak with to carry you around on my arm all night.”

Even though she tried to look over at Elliot with tough, no-bullshit eyes, I could see the unease slip into them. She was afraid of him, and rightfully so. We were all fit, but Elliot took it to the next level. The guy was an absolute beast and didn’t take any shit from anyone. And my little pet was still on his shit list. Well, maybe our little pet. Tristan seemed to be getting a bit cozier with her as well.

She was eerily calm the entire drive to the club. The only thing to tell me she was alive was how her breath hitched every time my hand squeezed her thigh or slid a bit further up that opening in her dress. I wanted to take one of my knives out and slice right up through the rest of that dress and watch it fall off her. She looked up at me as we pulled up to the club and smiled like she could read my mind.

“What you’re thinking is written all over your face,” she said, her mouth an inch away from mine, and then she followed Tristan and Elliot out of the window.

Fucking tease.

Tristan and Elliot walked in front, leading us up to the bouncer, leaving me to follow behind Scarlet and thank Christ because her ass was sculpted just for me. Watching it move under that dress and not being able to touch it was going to be fucking hell the rest of the night. She turned around and winked at me before swinging her hips a bit more as she grabbed Elliot’s arm and marched right in like she owned the place.

The club was much darker than we had expected it to be. This was more of a rave and less of a “business” party. I pushed up closer to Scarlet and gripped the back of her neck. She leaned back into it without hesitation like it was a subconscious reaction.

“I’m not leaving her in here with only one of us to keep an eye on her,” I said into Tristan’s ear. “Since when did this little soiree turn into a rave?”

“I know. The plan has clearly changed. We all stay with her. It’s too easy for her to slip off in a place like this.” He said it loud enough over the music for Elliot and Scarlet to hear. She just rolled her eyes and let go of Elliot’s arm and moved closer to me. My hand left her neck, and my arm fell across her shoulders. “I don’t like this. We can’t keep an eye on our surroundings. Elliot, call some of the guys that are nearby and tell them to come over here. I want extra eyes.”

“Can we at least get me a drink?” Scarlet asked over the music.

“Seb and I will take her up to our table. Get your ass up there as soon as you’re done making the calls.”

Elliot nodded, and we walked our way through the crowd to the upper level. My hand moved back to Scarlet’s neck, effectively keeping her on a short leash, and Tristan was holding her hand. Both of us, it seemed, wanted to keep a hand on her at all times. I smiled to myself.

I was sure Tristan was worried she would get away and cause him to miss out on the deal with her family, but I just wasn’t done being around her yet, looking at her, touching her. Even her scent was intoxicating.

Tristan took one step off the stairs and stopped dead in his tracks, causing Scarlet to slam into the back of him. I was instantly at his side, blocking Scarlet from view as five rival gang members stood up from our table. They had a fucking death wish being on our side of town, our club, and at our table.

Ty, one of the higher-ups, stepped forward, his gold tooth shining as he smiled past us, finding Scarlet. My blood boiled, and my fingers itched to throw one of my knives straight into one of his eyes just for fucking looking at her. She grabbed the back of my jacket and tried to look around us, but neither one of us moved.

“What are you doing here, Ty?”

“We heard you had a new plaything,” he all but shouted over the music. Scarlet’s hand clenched tighter. “Thought we’d come see if the rumors were true. If you actually found her. Let’s get a look at her, then.”

“Over your dead fucking body will you ever get to look her over like a piece of meat.” It shouldn’t have come out of my mouth. But it did. I would skin all five of them alive before they got to ogle our girl. I felt Tristan stiffen to my right.

“She’s not here to be the entertainment, boys. We are here to do business, and you aren’t welcome. You need to get out of this club now before it becomes a problem.”

I saw Tristan move his hand to the gun at his hip, and I moved in sync with him. Wherever Elliot was, he needed to make his way up the stairs quickly.

They all moved in unison towards us, or towards the stairs, I really couldn’t tell. Tristan and I pushed Scarlet over to the side of the staircase, caging her in between our backs and the wall behind her.

“Can someone explain what the fuck is going on?” Not surprisingly, her voice came out much stronger than it should have. She should have been terrified. But there she was, trying to squeeze out from behind us to get a better look at the situation.

“Would you stop?” Tristan scolded her over his shoulder. If I had to guess, her face probably turned bright red with embarrassment and anger at the way he had just spoken to her. I almost laughed out loud at the image of her pouting behind us.

They made their way over, and Ty got up in Tristan’s face and smiled. He peered over his shoulder at Scarlet, who, once again, should’ve been cowering behind us but instead stood there with her arms crossed, examining her nails like she couldn’t give two whole fucks about the whole interaction.

I felt Elliot come up beside us, towering over all five of the guys like the damn grim reaper. The tension in that moment was enough to even set me a bit on edge. My body was humming, ready for the fight, begging for it. It had been so long since I had had a proper fight. And showing off in front of my pet wouldn’t be the worst thing.

“Wanna come away with us, love? Five men fucking you senseless would be so much better than three.”

And before I could do it, Scarlet pushed out from behind Tristan’s shoulder and clocked Ty right in the fucking face. I laughed out loud and watched as Ty wiped blood from his mouth.

“Maldita zorra.”

“Did you just call her a cunt?” I asked.

I saw red.

“Fuck,” Elliot groaned from somewhere behind me as I finished the job Scarlet had started. I hit him so hard I saw his gold tooth go flying. Tristan and Elliot jumped into the fray of fists. To my right, Scarlet leaned against the wall and let a laugh fall out of her gorgeous fuckable mouth.

I saw one of Ty’s goons grab for his gun, but I was quicker. I aimed and shot right between his eyes just as he was getting ready to point his at Tristan. Screams broke out all around us as the club quickly turned into a madhouse. All three of us had our guns drawn on the last three standing. Ty was still knocked out on the floor, and the other three were bloodied and bruised.

“Enough! Let us get Ty and we’ll go, man.”