Page 55 of A Chance Encounter

“She was keeping secrets, hiding shit. And instead of being honest, she lied about it all.”

If I have any hope of a future with Easton, I’m going to have to be honest with him…Completely honest. Can I do that? Can I let him in? I’ve never let anyone in regarding Freeman. Not even Naomi.

Easton: Sophia, what’s going on?

I stare at his question, unsure what to type. What I need to tell him isn’t something you type over a text. It’s not even an over the phone type of conversation. It’s one I need to have in person.

Easton: You obviously have a lot going through your head. I need to head to the venue. You asked for space and I’m giving it to you. So, maybe take some time and think, and we’ll talk when I get back.

I want to tell him that I don’t want space anymore. I’ve made up my mind and I’m ready to go all in. I want to spend time with him, get to know him. I want what he wants… Well, what he wanted. I’m not sure if he wants that anymore. The problem is we need to have this conversation in person and he’s on the other side of the country, which means I’m stuck…So, I type the only thing I can type: Okay.

Me: Good morning. What are you up to today?

I woke up this morning and decided since Easton is gone for another week or so, I can spend some time getting to know him. Even though a lot has happened in a short time, we still don’t know a lot about each other.

Easton: Show tonight. You?

Okay, so he’s going to make this difficult. No biggie…

Me: This morning Kendall and I are going to the library to check out books, but I was thinking tonight we could hit up a bar, get drunk, get jiggy on the dance floor, then from there check out the local strip club… You know, the usual.

Easton: What vitamins does your doctor have you on?

I snort out a laugh.

Me: The good stuff…

I wait for a response to come through, and after several minutes when one hasn’t, I give up for today.

Me: Good afternoon! Did you know the baby is the size of a pear?

It’s a new day and today I’m not going to give up…

Easton: Actually he’s the size of a roll of toilet paper.

Me: Single roll or double? Extra soft or firm?

Easton: single and soft.

Yes! I mentally fist pump. I’m getting somewhere.

Me: We could name him TeePee. T.P. for short.

There’s no way I would name my baby this, but I need to keep the conversation going.

Easton: WTF

Me: Yeah, you know… Like when you teepee someone’s house with toilet paper.

Easton: I’m calling your doctor…

At this rate, he’s going to think I’m crazy and run for his life.

Me: Real talk, what should we name him? I’m thinking Burt or Carl…

Don’t worry. I wouldn’t name him either of those names—no offense to anyone with those names.

My phone rings and Easton’s name flashes on my screen. “Hello.”

“So it is you…huh.”

“Who’s me?”

“You’re you…”

“Of course I’m me.” I’m so confused.

Easton laughs. “This sounds like a bad version of Who’s on Second?”

“Who’s on First?”

“No, nobody’s on first. It’s an episode from a show, called Who’s on Second?”

“It’s Who’s on First? Not Who’s on Second?”

“You sure?”

“Yes,” I say with a laugh. “I did it in high school as a skit when I was on the debate team.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

We’re both quiet for a moment, before I speak up. “You called me.”

He laughs. “You have my head spinning. Yes, I called you to make sure it’s you.”

“Who else would it be?”

“I don’t know, but you went from barely returning my texts for weeks to texting me weird ass shit, and we’re not naming our son Burt or Carl.”

“You have better suggestions?”

“Well, the middle name of all the boys on my dad’s side of the family is Rocco, so I’m hoping you’ll be okay with using that as his middle name. I don’t really know your family situation, aside from your dad leaving when you were younger.”

“I don’t have anyone I want to name him after. Rocco is fine with me.”

“Cool. So we need a name that goes with Rocco Blackwood.”

I grab my laptop and open it, and once the internet is up, Google boy names, clicking on the first link.

“Dash, you there?”

“Yeah, I’m looking up names. I found a site that says top boy names.”

“All right, hit me with them.”

I read through each name and when I get to Camden, Easton says to stop. “I like Camden. It sounds strong. What do you think?”

“Camden Rocco Blackwood,” I say out loud. “I love it.”

“That’s it? We have our son’s name?”

“Should it have been harder?”

“I don’t know. This is my first kid. Was it hard to come up with Kendall’s name?”