Page 56 of A Chance Encounter

“Nope,” I squeak out, praying he doesn’t ask—

“How did you come up with it?”—that.

I groan. “If you tell anyone what I’m about to say, I’ll kill you.”

Easton laughs over the line.

“I’m being dead serious. Nobody knows this and if it gets out, I’ll be mortified.”

His laugher comes to a halt. “You can trust me, Dash. Always.”

God, I hope so…And I’m not referring to my daughter’s name.

“I was binge-watching a reality show and one of them was named Kendall.”

He cracks up again. “You named your daughter after her?”

“Shut up!”

“Well, if it’s going to be after one of them, at least it’s her. She’s the most normal out of all of them.”

“How would you know? And at the time she was a teenager. I thought she was sweet and I liked the name.”

“She lives down the street from me,” Easton says nonchalantly. “We’ve hung out a few times at mutual friends’ parties. She’s cool.”

Of course he has, because he’s freaking famous! He probably hangs out with all sorts of famous people.

“Soph, you there?”

“Have you ever dated anyone famous?” I blurt out.

He coughs lightly into the phone. “Umm… A few women, I guess. But nobody serious. What about you?”

“Oh, yeah, I’ve dated tons of famous guys. Last week I went out with Orlando Bloom.”

He laughs and the sound, for the first time in a while, is carefree. I’ve missed that laugh… “I hope not,” he says. “Katy wouldn’t be too thrilled. But I meant, have you been with anyone serious? You mentioned before you weren’t with anyone for a long period of time. Does that mean you’ve never been in a serious relationship?”

Shit. Last time I was vague, he let it go. Now, if I don’t give him a clear answer, I run the chance of pushing him away. And I can’t lie… “Once,” I admit truthfully.

“With Kendall’s dad?”

Oh, Jesus. How the hell did we go from talking about celebrities to my personal life? “Yeah. He was the longest relationship I was in…” And the entire thing was a lie. I was stupid and young and naïve. I gave him my virginity and he gave me a broken heart. But…he also gave me Kendall.

Someone says something in the background and then Easton says, “Hey, Soph, I have to get going. They need me in—”

“Of course, yeah. Sorry for keeping you…You must be busy… You’re working and—”

“You’re not keeping me,” he says softly. “I’m the one who called you. And I’m never too busy for you.” Someone yells something and Easton yells back he’s coming. “Have a good day, Dash. Tell Kendall I’ll call her later.”

Easton: Had to reschedule the shows I canceled for the end of the tour. I’ll be gone an extra week or so. If you need anything, just let me know.

Ugh. So formal. Like he’s messaging a colleague instead of the mother of his baby. I thought our conversation on the phone would’ve broken the ice, but I guess not. It’s like every day is Groundhog Day with me starting all over again.

Me: I’m sorry. That sucks. Hope you have a good day and we’ll be here when you get back! Xo Kendall, Baby Camden, and Sophia.

I hover over the send button, unsure whether I should send this. I took this picture of Kendall and me last night when I was reading to her before bed. My belly seemed to pop overnight and now, instead of looking overweight, I look pregnant. Every day Easton and I have been texting, but it never goes below surface level. If I ask him a question, he answers. But he never starts the conversation unless he has information to relay to me, and then it’s always straight to the point: your usual driver is sick. Someone new will be driving you… The furniture for the office is being delivered tomorrow between eleven and one… I spoke with your nurse and she’ll be by when you get home to check on you.

Maybe it’s because I’m pregnant and my hormones are out of whack, but it’s starting to feel like he’s more than giving me space—he’s pushing me away. What if it’s too late? No, I refuse to believe that, but I don’t think I can go another ten days without seeing him face-to-face so we can talk. And then an idea forms!

I hit send on the text and then go in search of what I need.

A few minutes later a text comes through that has me grinning from ear to ear.

Easton: You look beautiful. Feel free to send me pictures anytime.

Hmm… maybe all hope isn’t lost after all.



“Easton, over here!”

“Please, over here!”

“I love you!”

I grin at the fans who are jumping up and down behind the rope, thrusting their shirts, hats, phones, and other shit my way. I’m half out of breath from having just finished my set and dripping in sweat.