“She’s in Norfolk?”

“Yes. But that’s all you’re getting out of me, and I mean that.” She put the kettle on the base and flicked the switch to turn it on. “I’m not going to tell you where they live, so don’t bother asking me.”


“No,” she said firmly. “If she’s with her parents, it’s because she needs to be left alone. She’s there to take a break. Let her have that breathing space.”

I sat down at the island and rubbed my hands across my face. She was right. I knew that.

“Listen.” She leant forward on the counter and looked at me. “I get it. I do. But you have to understand how she’s feeling right now. Your mum pretty much humiliated her, and she’s the entire reason she’s not speaking to you.”

“I know that.”

“She’s got a lot of feelings she has to work through right now, and I think she’s in the right place to do that. It’s away from everyone who has a horse in the race, and her parents will be able to talk her through it. Outside perspectives and all that.” She toyed with the ring on her right hand. “I think it’s the best thing for her.”

“What am I supposed to do? I can’t keep calling her for her not to answer, but if I don’t do anything…”

“She knows how you feel about her.” She smiled sadly. “I think you have to accept that she needs to decide if the way she feels about you is worth it.”

I dropped my head to my hands, pressing the heels into my eyes. “What if she doesn’t?”

“Then there’s nothing you can do about it.” We were both silent for a moment, then she said, “I’ll tell her you were here and that you’re in London for her.”

I peered up at her. “You will?”

She nodded. “Yes, I will. For what it’s worth, Hugo, I think she should answer your calls, too.”

“Will you tell her that?”

Her grin was infectious. “You bet I will. Now, since you’re here, how about that tea?”


Moving On

CAMILLA: He’s in London.

ME: He’s at perfect liberty to go where he likes.

CAMILLA: He’s here for you.

ME: That backfired.

CAMILLA: Soph. Come on. At least pick up the phone and talk to him.

ME: How do you know all this?

CAMILLA: Because he came over.

ME: He needs to find a hobby.

CAMILLA: He has one. It’s convincing you that what you have is worth fighting for.

ME: 1: terrible choice for a hobby and 2: it’s not.

CAMILLA: Yes, it is.

ME: Whose side are you on here?