I waited some more.

I left again.


Nine p.m.

I knocked.

I waited.

A door opened, and I jerked around.

“Are you looking for someone, love?” A woman who looked to be in her fifties asked me gently. “I’ve seen you here a few times today, that’s all.”

“Oh, I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed you.” I swallowed. “You haven’t seen Sophie, have you?”

“Is that the one who usually answers the door in her pyjamas?”

I tried not to laugh. “That sounds like her.”

She shook her head with a rueful smile. “Not today, love, sorry. Didn’t see her for a while, but she was back a few days ago. Caught her getting the post a couple of days ago but haven’t seen her since.”

“All right, thank you.” I paused. “If you do see her, would you tell her Hugo stopped by?”

“Will do, love.”

“Thank you. Sorry for disturbing you.”

She waved it off and went back inside, leaving me alone in the hall.

Was she even here?

And if not, where was she?


“My neighbours are going to take a restraining order out on you.” Camilla opened the door so I could come in. “You are exceptionally persistent; do you know that?”

“I did have a moment last night where your neighbour across the hall opened the door. I thought she might chase me out with a knife.” I closed the door behind me.

“Ah, Mrs. Elanga is perfectly lovely. It’s Mrs. Hooper upstairs who’s the nutty one.” She sighed. “She’s not here, but I think you already know that.”

I ran my fingers through my hair. “Do you know where she is?”

Camilla held my gaze for a moment before she turned away. “I do. She told me and left a note on the fridge. I think she was going to keep it to herself.”

I turned to the fridge.

“I’m not that daft,” she told me. “Do you want some tea?”

“No, thank you. Cam, please tell me where she is. I have to talk to her. She won’t answer my calls, she’s ignoring my texts. I… I don’t know what to do.”

She finished filling the kettle and turned back to me, leaning a hip against the counter. She watched me for a moment before sighing again. “You really are in love with her, aren’t you? It’s not just a fling for you.”

“Yes,” I replied simply. “I really am. And I’m not leaving London unless she’s coming with me.”

Her lips twitched to the side. “She’s with her parents.”