I listened until the metal door shut then I was all alone.

I stared at the radio and told myself over and over again, that I was safe now. He couldn’t get me here. He couldn’t get into the compound.

But that didn’t stop me from jumping out of my skin when Evan walked in.


Evan had tried to keep me occupied while Ty went to get Eli, he told jokes and spoke about all the software that he’d just installed. It worked for a little bit, but then all I c

ould think about was Eli.

How had he reacted when I wasn’t there to pick him up?

Did Ty make sure Eli hadn’t gone into apartment and stayed with Luke or Kitty?

My mind was on a constant roundabout of what ifs, I hated sitting still and not doing anything. The more time that passed, the worse I felt.

My whole body ached and each time I tried to move it only got worse.

I shifted in the chair and held in a groan, I was trying to concentrate on Evan. It was hard when I could only open one of my eyes.


My head was spinning, my throat dry and sore. I closed my eye and took a deep breath, in and out, it helped. Until I felt movement by me.

My eye sprung open, my breathing picked up as Evan walked toward me.

“Kay?” he asked again, only this time his hand landed on my shoulder.

I tried my hardest not to flinch at the contact but I couldn’t help it. In the back of my mind I knew that Evan wouldn’t hurt me, but that didn’t stop my body’s reaction I didn’t want to be touched.

I opened my mouth to try and tell him, but nothing would come out.

“You okay?” He didn’t move his hand it felt like I had a ton of bricks weighing down on me.

The edges of my vision darkened, the walls closing in on me. I clutched my hands in my lap, squeezing to try and get the shaking under control.

I could feel myself retreating, to that happy place that I went to so often.

“Evan!” Everything sounded like I was in a tunnel, but that voice called to me in a way that nobody else ever had. My vision started to clear, my breathing becoming a little easier.

“Move your hand,” he growled.

I gasped as the weight of his hand lifted off me my breaths coming fast and hard.

Ty crouched down in front of me cupping the side of my face gently. I stared at his brown eyes as they willed me to come back to him.

“Just breathe, sweetheart.” I took a shaky breath in and blew it out.

“In and out. That’s it.” I could feel people behind him, but I didn’t take my eyes from Ty’s. He grounded me, kept me here in the present instead of me retreating into my memories and getting stuck in my own head.

It was a dangerous place to be, inside my head.

“Eli?” I croaked.

“He’s here sweetheart.” He stood and moved to the side.

Eli stood in the doorway with Luke and Kitty on either side of him. I could see his hesitation as he looked at Ty his eyes widening when they moved to me.